How did matter come to be?

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Dragonfly's picture
How did matter come to be?

Hi, All,

I'm someone in transition and leaning heavily toward atheism.

One thing that continually bothers me is the order of the universe and the question of how matter came to be. I can understand evolution and natural selection, but I can't understand how there's such order and development within the universe. For example, it seems extremely unlikely that I'll be sitting here in a recliner, typing on a computer using hands that evolved and are controlled by electronic impulses in my brain. When I start thinking of all of the things that have had had to occur to lead up to this moment, I just can't understand it.

My atheist boyfriend has said, "In an infinite universe, everything that can happen will happen."

I get stuck on this thought and start creating scenarios like: So a monkey wearing glasses and riding a tricycle with a polkadot scarf around his neck and two yellow birds mating on the top of his head while he rides is possible, so it will happen?

And what about if the universe isn't infinite? Does that change everything?

I hope you can help me understand all of this. Thanks!

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Nyarlathotep's picture
The technical answer, which
Dragonfly's picture
Thanks for sharing! I've
Sheldon's picture
Hi and welcome. How unlikely
Dragonfly's picture
I guess I just learned what
Cognostic's picture
Supernatural exists when
SunDog's picture
Someone once said, " Keep an
algebe's picture
Dragonfly: For example, it
Sheldon's picture
"Yes. The universe, the world
Dragonfly's picture
Stupid question time: When
algebe's picture
@Dragonfly: How are we here
Sheldon's picture
Cognostic's picture
Monkeys are good at shit. I
David Killens's picture
SunDog's picture
Might I suggest the book,
Athiem's picture
Now, let me tell you
Sheldon's picture
"your brain receives
Dragonfly's picture
But we are manipulating this
David Killens's picture
@ Dragonfly
algebe's picture
@Dragonfly: But we are
Cognostic's picture
@ for example . In modern
Cognostic's picture
@Dragonfly: How did matter
Dragonfly's picture
The Higgs Field is new to me.
Cognostic's picture
Thanks for the link. Keep
Sapporo's picture
I don't know if matter did
Sheldon's picture
"Why there is something
Dragonfly's picture
I think for me that it's
Athiem's picture
Sheldon , sorry , I was using
Sheldon's picture
Thank fuck for that, I
David Killens's picture
Where did we come from, where
Dragonfly's picture
True. I'm struggling


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