how did the entire Universe come from nothing?

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arakish's picture
quantum moo-pattie: "You see
Sheldon's picture
We know for an objective fact
rat spit's picture
Though He speaks to you
quantummechanist's picture
Finally a theist responds,
Sheldon's picture
rat spit "Though He speaks to
rat spit's picture
The OverLord has created the
Randomhero1982's picture
Despite us all knowing the
Randomhero1982's picture
Show us on the doll where he
Cognostic's picture
Just what we need...
toto974's picture
By the way, real black holes
quantummechanist's picture
quantummechanist's picture
if i were to be a black hole
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
From what you have
Nyarlathotep's picture
quantummechanist - if i were
arakish's picture
And you are wrong. Going on
Randomhero1982's picture
He studies physics about as
Nyarlathotep's picture
It was obviously wrong since
arakish's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Oh what I was trying to say
quantummechanist's picture
nah 58 kg and so what if i
arakish's picture
Still means only 8
Nyarlathotep's picture
arakish - Nyar, what is
arakish's picture
Whooaaa!! Even 300 is
quantummechanist's picture
on a gap year at the moment,
Rhauk's picture
As someone who is just
Sheldon's picture
Rhauk "As someone who is just
Rhauk's picture
I am not surprised, i feel
arakish's picture
Thank you Rhauk.
Rhauk's picture
That's quite a combination of
arakish's picture
@ Rhauk


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