How to casually rebut religion and false compliments.

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Casey Czarnomski's picture
How to casually rebut religion and false compliments.

When taking my family out to public places, someone comments "God has blessed you."and "You're doing god's work.". When they say this it is in the context of a compliment to us.

My question is:
What is the best way to reply to one of these compliments and convey to them that I am an atheist and I will not perpetuate giving god credit for anything. Especially things that I have worked so hard to achieve.

I want to say something in reply that can normalize atheism, and not offend, but make them reflect on the falseness of their own beliefs. Showing them that atheists are good people, and have no reason to hide. Currently I just nod and keep walking.

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Randomhero1982's picture
Being from the UK, luckily it
CyberLN's picture
"Gawd bless you."
Closet_atheist's picture
I feel for you.
chimp3's picture
Personally , I try not to
Flamenca's picture
In the past, I tried not to
LogicFTW's picture
If I am out in public, and I
Curtis Bass's picture
Dan Barker of FFRF suggests
CharlieMarshall's picture
"I'm sorry the only thing I

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