How can we DESTROY Islam?

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bussta33's picture
How can we DESTROY Islam?

As the west becomes more and more anti-Muslim, the Middle East becomes more and more anti-west. A large bulk of people now want Islam to be wiped off the face of the planet, and at the same time, a large bulk of people don't seem to understand this can't happen without extreme warfare, unnecessary bloodshed, and holocaust-like tactics.

So, if destroying Islam is out of the question, what CAN we do to stop Islam?

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watchman's picture
@ Bussta.....
Paul Samartzis's picture
I agree, education is the
watchman's picture
@ Bussta...
Sir Random's picture
Yes, I'll take the horribly
mykcob4's picture
Why "stop Islam"? Islam isn't
Pitar's picture
Islam is indeed the vehicle
mykcob4's picture
Islam is not the vehicle for
solidzaku's picture
Myk, it is, at least in the
mykcob4's picture
Nope Islam is not to blame. I
solidzaku's picture
I'm rather curious as to why
mykcob4's picture
Islam is the excuse and that
AllLiberalsarelunatics's picture
Anyone who denies the evil of
Nanisa's picture
I think Islam is not to blame
emmausa's picture
Your articles have helped me
viduka's picture
We can probably all agree

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