How can I get over this?

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Seaofmadness's picture
How can I get over this?

Edited: Disregard this whole thread, It appears people are more ready to bash me for posting this on an atheist forum than to actually offer support and help. So forget it. This is a stupid forum anyway. It only has ONE furom. That is so stupid.

Also, sir, you will notice if you look into the history of this forum that I started a thread asking why other topics could not be addressed in this forum besides religion and atheism. I was told that I could post other topics in the debate room.

But nevertheless, most people are ready and raring to nitpick and bash people than to actually help.

So forget it.

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MCDennis's picture
Why are you asking this
MCDennis's picture
Bite me
Usagi's picture
Eh, some people can't help
MCDennis's picture
Usagi, I assume you are
SBMontero's picture
@Sea of Madness: I do not
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Sea of madness. This is a
MCDennis's picture
IMO, being nice is vastly
xenoview's picture
Sea of Madness
Usagi's picture
@MCD Darling that wasn't a
Seaofmadness's picture
I don't really care anymore.
LogicFTW's picture
Seaofmadness's picture
It doesn't matter. People
Seaofmadness's picture
MCD, you did nothing wrong. I
Sky Pilot's picture
Sea of Madness,
Seaofmadness's picture
This reply expresses exactly
Sky Pilot's picture
Sea of Madness,
William00's picture
You don't need to spend a

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