Ever since the Florida school shooting, I've heard a lot about banning guns- now if course you cant just do that outright because we have the Second Amendment, but not to worry- our Founding Fathers had all of that figured out, so thy put this thing called Article 5 into the Constitution, and it provides instructions as to how to Amend the Constitution.
So, the first thing you need to do is get 2/3rds of both the House and Senate (which are controlled by the Republicans) to vote to propose an Amendment o ban guns. Then you need to have that Amendment ratified by 3/4ths of the State Legislatures (most of whom are controlled by Republicans as well)
Then you need to enforce this new law by sending millions of police officers (mostly of whom are Republican) into the homes of hundreds of millions of gun owning Americans to politely ask them to give up their firearms.
Conclusion: it isn't going to fucking happen, so just shut the fuck up and realize that this is a stupid idea that would never work anyway eve if you could implement it.
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What are your thoughts on the Twenty-first Amendment, American Empiricist?
Its good
Banning Guns - A really dumb idea! Join a militia and be ready to fight the police state. It's coming!
No AE YOU shut the fuck up or better yet try and shut me up asshole!
BTW, moron, I doubt like every fucking conservative bag of shit, that you even know what the 2nd Amendment REALLY means! Maybe YOU need to WAKE THE FUCK UP and realise that there is absolutely no reason to own a gun...NONE! Like the survivors said to every gun nut excuse... WE CALL BS!
Given that post, I am getting a sense that you are not really 60. More like 14.
Also, I'm not even a conservative- most leftists, moderates and libertarians support gun rights as well. Its only fringe totalitarian nuts like you who actually want to ban guns. Look at what your hero Karl Marx had to say about it:
"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary."
Also I do know what the Second Amendment says, and you do to- you're just trying to claim that it doesn't say what it really does say. Let me guess- the Patriot Act doesn't violate the 4th Amendment because "that's not what it really says" either?
But like I said- you're free to not own a gun if you think you'd be safer with no way to defend yourself, but you will wish that you have one when you're being raped to death by a chimpanzee because he mistoke you for a female chimpanzee (both understandable assumptions given your incredible wimpiness and low intelligence).
Conclusion: fuck you myckob4, you're a piece of shit. Furthermore, your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elder berries.
You call ME 14 and YOU demand people shut the fuck up? I just replied to you the way you posted to everyone else.
You don't know what totalitarian is. You assume that Marx is my hero, he is not! I am not a communist.
I know what the 2nd says. I have read the Federalist Papers on the matter which happens to be the authority on what is intended by the Constitution.
It's little punks like you that NEED a gun to be a "tough guy". You're nothing but a punk and a pussy.
If it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its probably a duck.
Also- I don't even own a gun, and I probably never would have, but you have convinced me to get one, even if its just a riffle that sits on my mantle all day that I never touch, just to spite assholes like you who think that they somehow or another have a right to tell me how I should live my life. You don't, so fuck you, and fuvk everyone who looks like you.
A random dude on the internet actually convinced you to get a rifle that will just sit on your mantle all day? Even a used rifle goes for several hundred bucks unless you get a real pos. You never even met him and do not know his real name or where he lives.
No, it is far more likely you are just writing random claims you never actually intend to follow up on because you let someone that you have never actually met upset you.
What a moron! AE are you running for biggest dumbass on the forum? You are making a good run at it!
And yet I'm still far behind you.
Pablo Escobar and the drug cartels from colombia has to do with all of this..
florida shouldn't be like this..
i think i'm getting off context here. sorry
just caught up by the series "NARCOS"
I am pretty sure that when the founding fathers initially gathered and proposed a break from Britain, they were also told not to attempt it.
Just because a course of action appears difficult if not impossible, that does not mean it will never happen. I was a baby boomer, and I saw Gen X come and go, and now bear witness to the millennial generation. But the next generation just may provide the political force and will to overturn such an archaic and barbaric law.
It may not be impossible today, but the kids who presently fear for their lives will soon grow up and when they come of voting age, move to eliminate what to them is the most pressing issue in their lives.
@ AE, here is the story of the elephant rope.
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.
He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”
The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.
Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?
Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.
Good luck with Generation Z because its actually the opposite of what you claim. We predominately support gun rights.
Yeah no. More like the opposite.
The last one, points out it is murky, but still certainly certainly not a "we predominately support gun rights." from generation Z.
First off, yes amending the Constitution was designed to be difficult, but not impossible, that way individual presidents and administrations can't just go changing it all will nilly. But, it has already successfully happened 27 times. In fact, there was one that was added, and then repealed in a short amount of time.
Secondly, the right to bear arms is itself an amendment you know. The "states righters" at the time didn't want what would become known as the Bill of Rights. It was the "federalists" who got it through to make sure all citizens, regardless of which state they lived in, had the same rights. If you are so anti-amendment it'd be possible that you'd be living in a state that *didn't* give you a right to have guns.
And the other part about the difficulty of passing an amendment like that...
Back "in the day", the two parties would be, by today's standards, more like left-leaning moderates and right-leaning moderates. Today, they tend to go to the extremes more often in left and right. So even if the amendment were a good idea, the Republicans would vote against for no other reason than the idea that it is a left/Democrat proposal, even if the Republicans actually liked it.
The idea that the Founding Fathers intended for everyone to be armed to have in place a means of insurrection is the dumbest idea I have ever heard and I have heard it from the conservative side for nearly all my life. That is NOT the intent of the founders and never was. The 2nd Amendment was put in place SPECIFICALLY because the Constitution makes no provision for a standing/professional Army. Therefore a militia was/is necessary to protect the nation from an invasion of a foreign power.
Again conservatives purposely mix up The Declaration of Independence with the Constitution of the United States of America.
The declaration was justification for separation from British rule. The Constitution is the rule of law for the nation that that separation formed. There is no justification in the Constitution to usurp, defy, or separate from the government. Quite the opposite in fact! The Civil War proved that. And guess what? The UNION WON!
So AE you can quit trying to REFIGHT the Civil War. Your side lost and the UNION is preserved!
It's also worth pointing out that founding fathers couldn't realistically have been expected to know what guns would become, or the kinds of societies modern American cities would produce. I just keep coming back to the simple and inescapable fact, that no civilian needs an assault rifle or any kind of automatic weapon.
Actually they knew perfectly well that weapons would advance over time. Rocks turned into sharp rocks, which turned unto spears, arrows then guns.
The Constitution was built on the philosophies of John Locke, Montesquieu and Thomas Paine- and yes, clearly they believed in the right to revolution WHEN IT WAS JUSTIFIED.
Thomas Jefferson even once said "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
If you would like to be one of those tyrants I would gladly be one of those patriots.
This could have been said about slavery not that long ago. I'm not sure why anyone comes into a public chatroom / debate forum and tells people to stfu, but that would be my definition of a dumb idea fwiw.
Reducing the number of guns can only reduce the opportunity for gun crime. This is a fact underpinned by an enormous amount of data from democratic countries all over Europe who strictly control the owning and sale of guns, and have comparatively low rates of gun crime.
Europe in General has lower crime than the US- including Eastern Europe which has strong gun rights for the most part, Northern Europe and Switzerland.
Almost no one, especially within the elected political sphere is advocating for a complete ban of all guns in all situations.
People are mostly just asking for more common sense gun control to help cut down the numbers of mass shootings.
Stop it with this stuff about complete gun bans. It is just stirring of fear and nonsense.
No it isn't. This post was actually made as a response to a post made by myckob4 where he suggested just that, and most of the peoply who have replied support it.