Is Homosexuality Natural - one rebuttal to a common argument

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bobbington's picture
Is Homosexuality Natural - one rebuttal to a common argument

I've heard 2 atheists give me the following argument about why homosexuality is not morally wrong. It is such a poor argument I want to post it here so that people will at least try to use better ones. Here is the argument.

"There's a species of animal that practices homosexuality, therefore it is natural, and so there is nothing wrong with humans doing it too".

The rebuttal to this argument is quite simple:

"There are animals that eat the young of their own species. There are cannibalistic animals. There are animals that torture their prey before killing it. Obviously just because animals do it does not mean that it is morally ok or natural."

Some food for thought.

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Anonymous's picture
bobbington-I agree with you
Travis Hedglin's picture
Arguing over whether
Anonymous's picture
Polly73's picture
Travis said all that needs to
AlphaLogica157's picture
This is why one should know
Travis Hedglin's picture
"As Polly said morality is
AlphaLogica157's picture
Travis, great response but I
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Do you consider having a
Anonymous's picture
Bobbington-Using your own
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"There's a species of animal
Anonymous's picture
JEFF-you are way to serious
AlphaLogica157's picture
Homosexuality is natural,
Austin Hodge's picture
Homosexuality is a very
CyberLN's picture
Bobbington, you started a
Aditya Kiran Bukkapatnam's picture
If by saying that
Takudzwa Mazwienduna's picture
Homosexuality is not as bad
Anonymous's picture
Takudzwa-Cannibalism isn't
ThePragmatic's picture
The Bible states that

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