Hitler, crazy or not?

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mysticrose's picture
Hitler, crazy or not?

What do you think about Hitler? After his treatment against the Jews and being responsible for the holocaust, do you think he's a crazy man or he just lived through his principle?

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Zaphod's picture
Yes I have read his books, he
Henry Plantagenet's picture
We can't exactly get him into
SammyShazaam's picture
Like you said, we'll never be
mysticrose's picture
No one in a normal mind would
SammyShazaam's picture
Definitely nuts.
Lucyverse's picture
He knew what he wanted to do
DarkLight's picture
Hitler was a very insecure
mysticrose's picture
He's also influential and
efpierce's picture
This just shows the
Abrar Shariar Galib's picture
there are several ways to
AnimalLeader's picture
Hitler was the perfect
efpierce's picture
You are very much correct, he
Edéss Dak-Ho''s picture
if we see into ....we'll find
James's picture
I don't think he was crazy, i
mysticrose's picture
Having such feelings and
efpierce's picture
I believe that Hitler was
SammyShazaam's picture
I like that - "exceptionally
ginamoon's picture
Crazy or not? Crazy!
firebolt's picture
I would say that, clinically,

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