Is Hinduism just as bad as Abrahamic religions?

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Southparkgirl's picture
Is Hinduism just as bad as Abrahamic religions?

I have just broken my ties with religion yesterday after a 2 month long struggle with contradictions in morality as given by my religion.
I was a Hindu, and strongly believed in things like karma, and spirituality. I called myself a spiritual atheist for years today, but things have taken a different course.
What caused it was the overwhelming sexism in the rites after one's family member dies.

Now I don't care what other people tell me about the aryan theory, I know it is a bunch of bogus the British made to undermine Indian culture. I know this religion is the oldest in the world, 5000+yrs old. Now, obviously it is of an adaptive nature or it would not have survived. So long. It gives answers to atheistic questions in a way that it becomes the strongest of all.

Does that mean I can't apply the same deduction one applies to the Abrahamic religions, and consider certain rules to be something that came out of social evils?

Now, even if it is certainly a more advanced religion that other ones, does it mean it is true?

Am I on the right track here?

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chimp3's picture
I group religion into the
Quintus Simia's picture
The overarching question as
charvakheresy's picture
I guess Hinduism today might

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