Hey Christians where is Jesus now?

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David Hoe's picture
Hey Christians where is Jesus now?

If you claim Jesus is real;can you explain me where he is sitting now after his crucifixtion?If you can't with real evidences(surely you can't) than why are you still believing an mythologic thing?

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Alembé's picture
Well, according to one of the
Amber Horner's picture
lmao....love it!
Amber Horner's picture
perhaps he masturbates with
bigbill's picture
drivenone Your poor selection
LogicFTW's picture
......I am speechless...
Nyarlathotep's picture
science follower - please don
CyberLN's picture
Your entire post is, imo,
algebe's picture
@Science follower: "lack
mykcob4's picture
Really you want to open this
MCDennis's picture
Why are you asking theists to
Sky Pilot's picture
Randomhero1982's picture
They have more chance of
ImFree's picture
No telling what Cardinal Pell
Amber Horner's picture
perhaps if jebus is still a
chimp3's picture
Jesus did return. He
bigbill's picture
that's a good question I`m a
LogicFTW's picture
"Historians tell us that he
bigbill's picture
then tell me what did they do
LogicFTW's picture
I am not saying it is
Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,
bigbill's picture
well the motion pictures,
Nyarlathotep's picture
science follower - I adhere
Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,
bigbill's picture
I am just saying that the new
LogicFTW's picture
I see you are no longer
Nyarlathotep's picture
LogicForTW - I see you are no
CyberLN's picture
And despite his moniker, he
Sky Pilot's picture
bigbill's picture
Jesus is the reason for the
LogicFTW's picture
Uh, you are on an atheist


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