Hey Christians!!! Read Your Bible!!

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ImFree's picture
Hey Christians!!! Read Your Bible!!

Its hilarious when one points out the immoral traditions in the bible and Christians evade the truth by claiming everything changed under the New Testament. That’s BS! Not only is there immoral crap in the New Testament, Christ admits he did not come to abolish anything.

They need to read ESV Matthew 5:17: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”

When it comes to “cherry picking” Christians love to ignore this verse. Christian intentional ignorance never ceases to amaze me.

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Matthew 10:34
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
Why ridicule? You have simply
beneames's picture
Dude you came out all guns
ImFree's picture
I like to encourage
ImFree's picture
I like to encourage
beneames's picture
Sorry I was talking to jimmy
ImFree's picture
The following passage shows
beneames's picture
This is obviously an
ImFree's picture
I'll rest my case: the god of
beneames's picture
Wow. That response makes me
ThePragmatic's picture
You are defending the Bible
Travis Hedglin's picture
Now gods morality is
beneames's picture
No, but people's
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
LOL beneames, your logic as
Travis Hedglin's picture
The problem here is that if
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea but here beneames if
Travis Hedglin's picture
That is actually a huge
CyberLN's picture
It also strips away the tri
mysticrose's picture
Yeh, it's really funny to
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
That may be the case with
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Everything you sprouted on
ImFree's picture
“Why ridicule?”
Chris T.'s picture
Once again you beat me to the
Eric T's picture
33,000...? Where in the world
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Chris T.'s picture
Appreciate the back up, Jeff.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
They have a nice and long
Chris T.'s picture
From what I've read about him
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
Foolishness and conjecture


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