HEY ATHEISTS! Yo mamas is so fat .....

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Cognostic's picture
HEY ATHEISTS! Yo mamas is so fat .....

I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing.

Her belly button gets home 15 minutes before she does.

Your mama is so ugly she entered an ugly contest and got rejected because they didn't allow professionals.

You mama is so old that before God said, "Let there be light," he asked her to move out of the way.

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Tin-Man's picture
Your mama is so fat that NASA
toto974's picture
Your mama is so fat that we
Cognostic's picture
You mama's so fat she is
Up To My Neck's picture
Yo mama so fat she puts a
Up To My Neck's picture
Yo mama so fat her blood type
Cognostic's picture
Yo mamma's so fat, she ate a
NewSkeptic's picture
Yo mama’s so fat…
Up To My Neck's picture
Yo mama so fat her shadow
Sapporo's picture
This thread has somewhat more
Cognostic's picture
@Sapporo: Prove me wrong!
Tin-Man's picture
Yo momma is so fat she leaves
Sheldon's picture
Your mama's so fat, she's at
Cognostic's picture
Yo mamma's so fat, cyber is
Tin-Man's picture
Yo mamma's so fat that when
Cognostic's picture
Yo mamma's so fat TinMan got
toto974's picture
Your Mamma so fat that when
Cognostic's picture
Yo mamma's so fat, if you
In Spirit's picture
Let's see how many baby
Up To My Neck's picture
Yo mama so fat when she goes
Up To My Neck's picture
Your mama is soooo stupid,
toto974's picture
Your mama is so fat that it
Cognostic's picture
Yo mamma's so fat she had
chimp3's picture
Two 15 year old boys talking:

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