Christians can make claims of certainty, not upon their own private knowledge, but based upon the public revelation of God... unbelievers cannot make these claims.
... Even for those who claim to be neutral in their beliefs of God... Let me ask you this, is it possible in the field of mathematics to be neutral? Where does 1 + 1 come from?
-->... so every time a math professor grades his students math papers ...he/she judges them right from wrong, but we have to get to the root of where this understanding of what is (right) comes from...
Proverbs 1:7 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
" is in many places to worship... His (Jesus) name is on the walls, but His praise is not in the halls..."
*It is not time to "play" church and it is NOT the time to be a *non-believer!
I've become a part of an "athiest forum" recently in hopes to convert. I've been scoffed at with every reply... and there's been plenty!
Our brothers and sisters have been part of the prophesy... They've been blinded until time for them to see... And I ask prayer for them all, as well as strength through Christ in ourselves, help shake that soul of theirs that God created and that God loves--> so that they can remove this spirit of slumber and begin to see and be saved AMEN!
...I try to express the urgency in accepting Jesus Christ and I do this on many multi-media outlets, as well as with family, close friends, and work colleagues... and I pray I can spread His Holy seed of truth and salvation to atleast one if the lost...
I've been lost most my life... and it was by the graces of God that I got found and now rejoice in the free gift of Almighty Salvation found and held trusted in absolute hope and eternal faith shown only through the crucifixion and resurrection of our Christ King of kings and Lord of lords Jesus Messiah!
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Blah blah blah batshit blah blah blah crazyshit blah blah blah blah stupidshit blah blah blah
Utter nonsense!
Blah blah blah blah blah you live Christian values and domt even realize it blah blah ugh ugh blah dur
I don't live christian values. Christians don't have values. They have tried to hijack the word "values" for decades now. Christians honor racism, hatred, prejudice, and war. They excuse child molestation, degradation of women and minorities. They hate the environment, education, history, and science. They brainwash their kids. They hate education. They hate a free press, free speech, civil liberties. The honor corruption and greed. They are opposed to social responsibility. They lie cheat steal rape and murder. The number one demographic of a convicted felon is white male conservative and CHRISTIAN. They hate workers, hate safety, hate regulations that are designed to protect people.
Those aren't values, not moral ethical values anyway. So I don't live those values. I live by a higher moral code than any christian I know or will ever know because I honor integrity and freedom.
Who says we can't? I make claims of certainty everytime... Whenever there's empiric proof of it. For instance, here's one: you certainly annoy me, because you insist on quoting long texts from the bible which are not relevant, or proof for anything you uphold.
That's a claim based upon public revelation of your tedious statements.
Where does your certainty level originate from?
...allow yourself to think past the image you try and create of yourself around others you seek as kings... Just how numb to universal logic can you be? Grow up and get saved already... Put away this ignorant rebellion way of thinking... Its ok to be scared... God told us so, but also to react to it!... Ya still gotta figure that one out i reckon...athiests... Youre not stupud, you prove let this msg be helpful proof to you!--youre each one of Gods children, so read the book and start acting like it before its too late in these last days... I Pray AMEN!
Proverbs 26:4-5
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
...what have I been doin?!!...
-if you havent gotten it yet?... Shewee... what has to happen?... Possibly im too weak... I apologize.
As I told you in another post, I don't understand English from the Bronze Age. If you really want to engage in a real debate, why don't you begin by talking a language that the rest of us can understand?
Oops, I forgot that you're not interested in discussing our opinion, since you're the only one able to make claims of certainty. You, the owner of all truth in this world.
Doesn't your religion say sth about humility?
Well... what is it that you allow yourself to understand?... Fragments of info that sound amusing to our rebelliousness, or whole sentences the are read from left to right, top to bottom and form a logical idea of the materiel being absorbed?.... What strange part of understanding simplicity do you originate from, may i ask?!...
I "allow" myself to understand many things, at least I try to be open-minded, as opposed to you who are not making the minimum effort to try to open an honest debate about anything, when there's no communicational intention.
I'm from Spain, you a**. I challenge you to read some Spanish poetry (in its original version), not from the Bronze Age, but from the XII century, and then, please, translate and interpret its meaning for us, so we can verify which place of "complexity" you originate from...
The day you're able to do that, I promise I'll make an effort to understand your illegible English.
What proof do you have that your god is real? All you seem to have is bible quote and nothing else. What proof do you have that your salvation is not all in your head? Like the voices some people hear in their mind that are not real. It sounds like your judging us. Doesn't your bible tell you not to judge people?
Holy Bible
The word "holy" wasn't used to describe the Bible until the 19th Century.
Once again the fool swears by the vestiges of a book written by his predecessors.
It's quite amusing that the OP shares a lot in common with the initial state of the cosmos.
Extraordinarily dense!
I have not noticed any public revelation in god. In fact there is this huge glaring omission on "public revelation in god." The majority of all people who ever lived never heard of Jesus, never read or had your bible read to them.
Do not claim to be neutral. 1+1 = 2 is based upon agreed upon word definitions.
Ah fear. Such a powerful motivator, speaking to the emotional mind is always more effective then the logical mind. Not surprised the bible and religious leaders rely on "fear" to ply their profitable trade. Watch TV commercials and study other ad's. Nearly all of them employ appeals to emotion, many of them use the emotion fear. Why? Because it is an effective way to get people to buy products and services they otherwise do not really need.
Of course a book on the religion is going to tell you over and over to "believe."
Came here to convert? I suppose you did not know. You are not going to convert anyone here. Just like I find it highly unlikely I will convert any theist here. The people that frequent these boards are among the strongest believers of their respective "sides." To me it makes for interesting/fun debate. It also helps me to better "understand" the other side.
Blinded? By what? Who? The devil? By our "free will"? I do not believe in soul either. I do feel like I am awake, much more awake then theist are, and it is theist that are more like "slumbering" Or sheep maybe. Just like religious leaders like to use the term "Shepard and their flock"
Why is there so much urgency in accepting Jesus? What is the hurry? Do you feel judgement day is coming, say, by: 2020? Why then?
Hard to help someone "find" Jesus. When they do not consider themselves lost. I in fact consider you more lost then I when it comes to general understanding and acceptance.
You do know, the favorite target of con-artist are people that feel lost, or desperate or want something they cannot have right?
I can only hope you too see some of these awful televangelist that bilk 10's of thousands of people of their money? That fly around in private jets while old ladies write them checks to the point they lose their life savings?
" Christians can make claims of certainty, not upon their own private knowledge, but based upon the public revelation of God... unbelievers cannot make these claims."
Me- There has been no public revelation of ANY fucking god!
LW77-" ... Even for those who claim to be neutral in their beliefs of God... Let me ask you this, is it possible in the field of mathematics to be neutral? Where does 1 + 1 come from?"
Me-Math comes from logic and understanding. It is tested proved and peer reviewed. The theory of god isn't tested isn't proved isn't peer reviewed.
LW77-" -->... so every time a math professor grades his student's math papers ...he/she judges them right from wrong, but we have to get to the root of where this understanding of what is (right) comes from..."
Me- No he doesn't judge his students. He checks their work to see if it is correct based on what is known tested peer reviewed.
LW77-" Proverbs 1:7 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge."
Me- No, that is the beginning of being a fool.
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." " is in many places to worship... His (Jesus) name is on the walls, but His praise is not in the halls..."
*It is not time to "play" church and it is NOT the time to be a *non-believer!"
Me-nothing but medieval horseshit.
LW77-" I've become a part of an "athiest forum" recently in hopes to convert."
Me- Well, why haven't you converted. Your faith has been proven to be a fallacy and a myth, so there is no reason for you not to become an atheist. We're not stopping you.
LW77-" I've been scoffed at with every reply... and there's been plenty!
Our brothers and sisters have been part of the prophesy... They've been blinded until time for them to see... And I ask prayer for them all, as well as strength through Christ in ourselves, help shake that soul of theirs that God created and that God loves--> so that they can remove this spirit of slumber and begin to see and be saved AMEN!"
Me-You've been scoffed at for good reason because you haven't provided any proof whatsoever of any of your claims. You can keep your goddamned condescending "I'll pray for them" bullshit. There is no god and prayer is just a melodramatic display of arrogance.
LW77-" ...I try to express the urgency in accepting Jesus Christ and I do this on many multi-media outlets, as well as with family, close friends, and work colleagues... and I pray I can spread His Holy seed of truth and salvation to atleast one if the lost...
Me- What goddamned urgency? So you admit to being a pest not just here but many multi-media outlets. And the part of spreading the "holy seed" is just outright disturbing. You want to be a rapist?
LW77-" I've been lost most my life... and it was by the graces of God that I got found and now rejoice in the free gift of Almighty Salvation found and held trusted in absolute hope and eternal faith shown only through the crucifixion and resurrection of our Christ King of kings and Lord of lords Jesus Messiah!"
Me- Yeah, and you're still lost pal. You haven't received anything. You've accepted a load of shit and now want to dump that shit on us. As per the original bible, there was no resurrection. The rest of the statement is just fucking gibberish.
Anyone can post that hokey shit and sound like a monk from the 1100s.
Oh ye cast thine eyes upon the land. Thou doth see nothing for there is only the wind to feel upon thy cheek and upon the new day we shall again seeth nothing and yet still feel the wind. I kneel to pray and with reverence I bend, but no answers shall come because there beith no ear to heed my prayers. I shall gaurd my soul with the sheild of the lord but it shant stop any sword and I will parish anon.
There endth the lesson.
that's false, no one can make claims of certainty based upon revelation of god, the only way Is SCIENCE and only SCIENCE. Of course unbelievers cannot make these sort of claims but based upon SCIENCE they can make such claims with 100% certainty.
NOTE: My claim that no one can make claims of certainty ....etc Has been proven by SCIENCE so you can't refute it.
1+1 ≠ 2 since it doesn't follow the methodology of SCIENCE. it's based on the law of identity and the law of non contradiction and based on the supposition that the mental judgement that is based on these laws is certain. but that's not true since these laws are not SCIENTIFIC, it's just old lame Aristotelian garbage that SCIENCE has disproved. And the Only thing that we know for sure by Necessity without Empirical evidence(which is the only way to prove things) is that; what does not follow the methodology of SCIENCE is indeed pseudoscience and full of superstitions Period.
I think the answer is too obvious, the root of such understanding is indeed SCIENCE.
That's not true, knowing what SCIENCE says is the beginning of knowledge and the only way of knowledge.
As rational/intellectual/free thinkers we only Accept FACTS which came only from SCIENCE. there is no salvation apart from SCIENCE.
First, there isn't anything that is eternal except for the universe.
Secondly, can you prove the crucifixion and resurrection by the infallible methodology of SCIENCE? NO? then that's a bullshit.
I've decided to worship Mykcob4, he's more patient than Job when he answers a long post, and he practices Righteous Indignation.
P.S. Peripatetic, maybe to you too xD I'm gladly surprised.
How come Job didn't have a job?
Do you talk as much as you type in real life? #LongWindedIndeed
troll because no one could be this clueless
troll because atheists are always this clueless.
Apparently individual insults are not longer cutting the mustard; so you are moving on to blanket insults?
Isn't it an insult when it's said by an atheist and just is when it's said by a theist. Hypocrite.