help with argument ;-) "but God didnt say he did NOT do this.."

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siska's picture
help with argument ;-) "but God didnt say he did NOT do this.."

so i am trying to tell a muslim about the flaws in his holy book...

- the earth is a sphere. his reply: God /qurannever said the earth was NOT a sphere....

- from the book "God created everything in pairs"... i ask him about single cell organisms and other species that do not have a mate. his reply : God never said he did NOT create single cell organisms"

this is so ridiculous, i dont even know what to answer to that... any witty replies?


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Randomhero1982's picture
Tell him to try to read more

Tell him to try to read more than one book for a start.

jonthecatholic's picture
Why are you treating

Why are you treating religious texts as if they were outdated science books? They're religious texts so treat them as such... Unless of course he also sees his book as a science textbook.

If I were you, I'd point out inconsistencies in the moral code of a religion to prove it wrong. You could bring up evolution, big bang, technology and everything else and it would simply come back to you the same way.

siska's picture
yeah that's exactly what he

yeah that's exactly what he does.. for him, all the "science" can be found in the book. and if it isnt mentioned explicitly, then it just means that god didnt bother writing it, it doesn't mean he didnt KNOW ;-O

i'll look into the moral aspect, thanks!

mykcob4's picture
@Jon the Catholic. You should

@Jon the Catholic. You should not give advice at how to dispell a pro-religious argument until you dispell your own. That is just hypocrisy!

mykcob4's picture
God never said anything

God never said anything because there is no god to have said them.

MCDennis's picture
Prove the god you believe in

Prove the god you believe in actually exists and THEN we can start a discussion about an old book that you think tells us what that god said or thinks or did

LogicFTW's picture
God also did not say:

God also did not say:
-Boil water
-Cleanliness around birth (especially by others if there is a complication at birth)
-Cleanliness around open wounds
-Fleas + rats equal bad
-There is two whole other continents where people could move to practice his religion in peace instead of constant warfare in the middle east/mediterranean area.
-smoking is bad

The list goes on and on. Just the above would of saved countless millions of devout followers of that particular religion.

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