Is Hell real?

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Russian-Tank's picture
Is Hell real?

I found a multitude of videos where people claim to have seen hell in either a dream or an NDE, and what I realized is that all these reports sound consistent:

- falling through a black hole
- hearing screams
-seeing souls suffering
- seeing fire
-meeting demons who often say "we got you now"
- the demons beat people, and look like reptiles
- then the person calls out to Jesus or God, and a light appears
-this light saves them

There are many of these kinds of videos:

all of these sound so similar

I wonder how so many people could hallucinate/dream the same thing, especially this last link was a mormon woman who didn't believe in hell, and had no exposure to it. How did she experience what so many experience?

they seem so consistent.

Any rational thoughts on this?

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Randomhero1982's picture
The mind is an amazing dreams

The mind is an amazing dreams, who knows what happens when you're under medication, unconscious, semi-conscious etc....

Rationally I would ask what is more likely,
That the person in question hallucinated, was under medical drugs, had an altered mental state, in a different state other than fully conscious.


They actually found a portal to another realm?

Russian-Tank's picture
at the surface I would

at the surface I would totally agree, but I just can't understand why so many of the accounts are so consistent. Also, the third link I posted is of a mormon who said she didn't know anything about hell because her church didn't teach it, yet her expeirence was just the same as many others. Ranging from Howard Storm to this woman, to others I have posted, I find it somewhat eerie that all of these seem so similar, and I am surprised that demons always appear in them. I would not have thought of demons when I think of hell, so I wonder how all these people see it. I also don't think they are lying, most of them are balling their eyes out.

LogicFTW's picture
How can we be sure the mormon

How can we be sure the mormon woman never had any exposure at all to the "hell" concept?

The subconscious mind works in weird and surprising ways. There has been a rash of little girls exhibiting possession like traits ever since the movie "the exorcist" came out. These girls would even word for word repeat everything the possessed girl in the exorcist would say. The parents would swear their kid never watched the exorcist, but perhaps the little girl saw a quick clip of the movie, and it got buried in her subconscious, only to come out later.

Russian-Tank's picture
well she claims she didn't

well she claims she didn't and it seems it was established in her interview, but I guess we don't really know. I'm just wondering, do you think the fact that so many people report being tortured and teared apart by demons gives it more validity?

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
we as a species can also have

we as a species can also have incredibly vivid dreams, day dreams etc.

but i will watch these videos when i have a little more time.

algebe's picture
Hell dreams and fears are

Hell dreams and fears are culturally influenced. Here in the West we think of lakes of fire and red demons with pointed tails and pitchforks. In Japan, hell dreamers are more likely to see people walking over mountains of needles to fall into lakes of blood. It's all imagination stimulated by old religious ideas and modern horror films.

My hell dreams usually involve running through international airports. I think Los Angeles, Dubai, and Honolulu Airports all provide excellent hell experiences.

Russian-Tank's picture
but the hell most people

but the hell most people report has demons which look like reptiles that tear their skin. I find that frightening that they are so consistent, and that when they call out for help either a hand reaches out and rescues them or a light appears.

Nyarlathotep's picture
The concept of hell permeates

The concept of hell permeates the Western world (I don't know about other places, I live in the Western world). The notation that an adult hasn't heard of hell in the Western world is ludicrous. Additionally, The Latter Day Saints (Mormons) believe in hell. Someone has been blowing some pretty serious smoke up your butt.

Russian-Tank's picture
but does the fact that so

but does the fact that so many people report seeing demons attacking them, and they call out for help and the end result is the same. Does that give it any credence that certain aspects are so consistent? I was not aware Christians believe demons meet them in hell, I thought they simply only expect to see Satan

Nyarlathotep's picture
Russian-Tank - Does that give

Russian-Tank - Does that give it any credence that certain aspects are so consistent?

Yes, the consistency does demand that something exists that is spreading this notation to them, we already know about that. It's called culture.

You might notice, that this website is full of atheists, who don't believe in hell; yet you didn't have to explain to us what you meant about hell. We've all been exposed to the idea ahead of time.

Did you know that our culture's view of hell is heavily influenced by a book, that isn't the bible? Inferno by Dante. It was one of the first books mass produced in a language other than Latin; meaning it was one of the first mass produced books that a decent chunk of the population could read.

mykcob4's picture
No he4ll is not real. It is a

No he4ll is not real. It is a concept that came from the Egyptian 'Book of the Dead'. It is a religious myth to make people fear to question the myth of religion. It is basically an empty threat and nothing more!

Alembé's picture
Back in 1980 while working in

Back in 1980 while working in Egypt we visited the Valley of the Kings. In one of the tombs (painted about 1300 - 1400 BCE,) the souls of the damned were being scourged and whipped by a personage with 2 horns and a tail. Lucifer Ver.1.0.

chimp3's picture
I once had a dream with an

I once had a dream with an appearance by Satan. No pits or eternal furnaces though. The setting was a very dark restaurant. The booths were candle lit and had pleated dark purple curtains. I walked by one booth and Lucifer was sitting there. He had a very elongated forehead and chin. He had horns on forehead but also smaller thorn like mini-horns on his cheeks. As I walked by he gave me a glance and said "UMMMM" and took a sip from a medicine ampule of atropine. Gave me the chills and I woke up. I love a good nightmare. One of my favorite dreams ever. Technicolor.

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
Was there a pre-bedtime snack

Was there a pre-bedtime snack containing large quantities of cheese? lol

chimp3's picture
T'was a short nightmare!

T'was a short nightmare! Would have enjoyed a little time at the salad bar. I had this dream before I became a nurse. Had no experience with atropine. It is used in medicine to dry up mucous secretions. I guess that comes in handy in hell.

Randomhero1982's picture
I've genuinely never had a

I've genuinely never had a dream/nightmare of a god or Satan...

But I did have one where I was on a beach on my own and The Predator slowly emerged from the water... not sure if that counts?!


Attach Image/Video?: 

chimp3's picture
I had devil dreams quite

I had devil dreams quite often as my parent had a lot of comic book tracts and end time "literature" lying around the house. Bullshit about rock music and drugs paving the way for demonic possession. I did not fall for this shit but my dream life reveals it's effects on my subconscious mind. After a night jamming to live metal or punk in the late '70's early '80's devil dreams would wake me up with a start. Very energizing!

algebe's picture

Here's a very British notion of hell in a sketch by Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean). Toby the Devil welcomes sinners to hell and sorts them into groups. "Male fornicators please line up behind the little guillotine." "Pillagers, looters, and lawyers over here."

Russian-Tank's picture
would you say any of these

would you say any of these videos could be fakes? Maybe some people genuinely see or think they see these things, while others lie to scare people into believing? Some people cry and I feel like I can tell they are sincere, while others seem like they could be lying.

chimp3's picture
Funny how people who have

Funny how people who have heart attacks and then have"NDE's" never return with helpful information. Information that might ...oh, let's see....prevent heart attacks? They always return with information that contributes to the dumbing down of society. If gods are trying to tell us something they need to make themselves useful.

curious's picture
From the way I understand

From the way I understand theology, hell and heaven are not even there yet. But not only that, by right either hell or heaven is the handy work of individual while living in this world.

If we see it in a dream or vision than it is a projectory perception of what to come.

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
So, simply just a conceptual

So, simply just a conceptual illusion thought up within the human mind.

Flamenca's picture
I would be really surprised

I would be really surprised if these people agree on a hell who doesn't look like as any cultural reference we've ever heard... I don't know, if they had seen a green demon who looks like a poodle living in a yellow subacuatic world. But this hell looks suspiciously familiar to our shared references of hell throughout history. (Very interesting post, Alembé, btw)

I don't know if this happens to any you, but when anyone mentions hell, I always hear these voices inside my head:

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