Having To Compromise My Opnions and Values For The Sake of My Family

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TheVegetarianHumanist1996's picture
Having To Compromise My Opnions and Values For The Sake of My Family

My mom made me believe that I can't have my own opinions and beliefs. I have to pretend to believe in Orthodox Judaism to in "order to be with my family." I'm turning 23 at the end of the month, my mom sees me like a small child. I digress, this also has me feeling disenfranchised from American Society. I feel like the first amendment and the Consitution as a whole doesn't apply to me, despite being a US citizen. My cousins (children of my mom's sisters) became radicalized over the years (they're Orthodox Jewish, but became more extreme). I feel like a fish outta water. I feel stuck and guilty. What should I do?

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Cognostic's picture
TheVegetarianHumanist1996's picture
Sorry that I haven't been on
Cognostic's picture
@TheVegetarianHu... RE:
samytyu's picture
great. روايات nice. novels365
samytyu's picture
great. novels365
Peurii's picture
It's a nasty thing that some
chimp3's picture
I have coped with family /
David Killens's picture
My basic tactic is in line
ferguson1951's picture
David Killens's picture
Thank you ferguson1951, wise
xenoview's picture
TheVegetarianHumanist1996's picture
Thanks everyone for the
Richard54's picture
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Richard54's picture
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Richard54's picture
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This is a brilliant blog! I'm
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No doubt this is an excellent
Richard54's picture
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I have recently started a
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I felt very happy while
samytyu's picture
thanks, لعبة بادل
tomlaharta's picture
I have checked this link this
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I would like to thank you for
tomlaharta's picture
I’m going to read this. I’ll
tomlaharta's picture
Do you mind if I quote a
Richard54's picture
thanks for the tips and
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The most interesting text on
Nanisa1's picture
This is no ordinary waffle.


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