Have you ever been discriminated/viewed negatively for being an atheis

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Johnathan Graham's picture
Have you ever been discriminated/viewed negatively for being an atheis

Couldn't fit the whole question but you get the idea.
Myself, coming from a more so conservative county(I'll give you a hint, I live in Indiana if that tells you about myself). In a county that is roughly 4000 in size, it is more so democratic than republican in party systems, but still has a conservative atmosphere, well because Indiana.

Though, myself I've never felt discriminated against for being an atheist in an extreme way. I do feel some people like me less from myself being a Buddhist Atheist, but not really anything extreme. In my school, I'm known as the "man who knows a lot, about a lot so don't argue with him". This is solely because I'm in high school obviously and my priorities are set a little more to independent study on things that peak my interest compared to FOOOOOOOOOTBAAAALLL, I know I'm not as smart as people put me out to be. Anyway, it's interesting, I'm viewed intelligent despite my atheistic views. But, there is still some sort of general negativity from other people that I get for being an Atheist. They mock myself alot on my views, tend to just push whatever statistic or information about a topic aside, and feel seclusion to an extent in a more personal level with people. Myself I have a lot of friends and I'm great at communicating, but once people find out I'm an Atheist, they just seem annoyed I'd say? Mind you, I'm not a yelling type or like shove my belief system down somebody's throat. If I see a prayer group, I won't go over and just be an ass.

In conclusion basically I get a general negative atmosphere for people who do know I'm an atheist. Its not restricting me, but I can tell its there and does result in me getting mocked alot and just viewed as insane that "Ugh scienteific theery of duh biig bagn u stupid" kind of shit.

I'd like to know how your experience was "coming out" or announcing your atheism to your friends or family, or society in general. Any negativity? Please do share your stories!

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Pitar's picture
Yes. The mother of a high
Cindykk's picture
Lol I live in Indiana as well
Travis Hedglin's picture
You will be hard pressed to
Sedanda's picture
Yes. I live in Bavaria in
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yep, they know they have to
ImFree's picture
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n7natnat's picture
I have for sure. On vine, I
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And then they do like a "yall
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cmallen's picture
Damn! And I was in a good
ThePragmatic's picture
Sorry about that!
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A guilty pleasure of mine.
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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yep, Andrew theists really do

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