Greek 666

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Spudnik510's picture
Greek 666

Hi has anybody seen the similarities between the Greek number 6 6 6 and the word in the name of allah that is very common in the Muslim world?
Just like to hear other people’s thoughts on the similarities of them both.

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algebe's picture
I'm afraid I don't see it.


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Tin-Man's picture
@Algebe Re: "Have you tried
Cognostic's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
MTheory's picture
The Mark Of The Beast!


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chimp3's picture
Who cares! I use math to
Tin-Man's picture
Hmmmm..... Gonna try
Cognostic's picture
1 can go into 666, 666 times.
In Spirit's picture
David Killens's picture
@In Spirit
Sheldon's picture
So an arbitrary number has a
boomer47's picture
sort answer; NO
Sheldon's picture
@ cranky47
LogicFTW's picture
Heh, if humans stuck with
boomer47's picture
The Mayans used base 20 . The
Tin-Man's picture
I think I want to start my
Sheldon's picture
Remember there 10 kinds of

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