Great cuss words and phases.

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mykcob4's picture
Great cuss words and phases.

My mother always suffered heart attacks that I gave her on a regular basis. Her reaction was ALWAYS

"Holy Shit Batman"-Robin

Capt. Kirk "Scotty, what's the atmosphere down there?"
Scotty "Captain, we're in a world of shit."

"I don't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut"-Mykcob4

"God-Fucking-Damn!"- anyone that has hit their thumb with a hammer.

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Tin-Man's picture
Oh boy!!! This should prove
Tin-Man's picture
"You're so stupid you could
Tin-Man's picture
"Son of a motherfuckin'
Tin-Man's picture
Here's a great one from a
Tin-Man's picture
"That's as wrong as two young
Randomhero1982's picture
Some of my favourites include
mykcob4's picture
I love the Irish accent.
Tin-Man's picture
FINALLY! Somebody else
Tin-Man's picture
"Turd burglar" (NOW it's a
Tin-Man's picture
Aw, c'mon! Really??? All
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Random, what exactly
Randomhero1982's picture
It's slang for testicles lol
algebe's picture
Alembé's picture
We had to sing that in French
algebe's picture
I just looked up the Singing
Randomhero1982's picture
PMSL, yes that's one used
arakish's picture
One of me most favoritest:
Tin-Man's picture
Daaaaaamn....! I have GOT to
algebe's picture
"Twerp" is one of my
Tin-Man's picture
"Ho-ly sheep-shit!" (From
Tin-Man's picture
"The best part of you ran
Randomhero1982's picture
One thing I have to credit my
mykcob4's picture
"Wanker" British for
Alembé's picture
Whenever my dad was trying to
algebe's picture
My dad used to yell "Damn
Tin-Man's picture
Never had French. Did have a
Jared Alesi's picture
My favorite insult ever comes
Tin-Man's picture
"I'll plant a tree in your
Jared Alesi's picture
It's a very harsh language.
mykcob4's picture
To compete with Random and


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