God, you fucking bastard! Predict this asshole!

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mykcob4's picture
God, you fucking bastard! Predict this asshole!

I guess someone predicted the end of the world (they meant humanity). They seemed to have been extremely precise as they predicted will supposedly happen 23 September 2017. Wow, fantastic, excellent work!!!!!
I just wonder how the fuck they are so incredibly accurate.
Of course, I don't know what value such information can be to anyone considering that we will all be dust in just a few days, and please don't even think that we will be anything else if the prediction is true.
Like I said before if these people that made the prediction want money, what good will it do them, or if they just want to be recognized as correct, there will be no one that can or will acknowledge it.
But here's the thing, If someone can accurately predict a world-ending event, why the fuck can't they predict where a hurricane will hit and how hard or a deadly earthquake....HMMMMM? Now that information would be helpful.
So if these people know when the end of the world will happen, and they got that information from their god albeit indirectly, then why in the hell didn't this all loving god clue them in on dangerous hurricanes and earthquakes?
I mean Come on man!!!!!
"Hey god, please let us know the next time you rain down fury and mayhem in the form of monster storms or shaking ground, will ya huh?" "I mean we poor mortals have been worshiping your sorry ass for over 2000 years and you can't give a heads up?....What a fucking bastard!"
Funny how science has done its level best to save lives and this god jackass can't even let anyone know what the fuck is coming. This is exactly why I cringe every time some religious wingnut job predicts something. Not only do they predict it, but they claim that a book written 2-300 years after the fact of its story was the source for their information. Hey, people, that book isn't even accurate about what it is trying to talk about in the first place. Given its track record and how many versions and how many times it has been changed over the years, you can't even predict what is on the next page let alone what will actually happen in real life and in the future.
I turned to the part in the bible that talks about the stock market and looked for predictions. No, it wasn't for me, but if I could make a killing in the market I could at least end WORLD FUCKING HUNGER!!!!! Well, you guessed it, the bible had no idea of what a stock market was or even the Lotto. I guess 2nd-century people from northern Africa and southern Europe didn't know what those things are or if they would ever be created, but SOME GODDAMN HOW, they know when the world will end!!!!!!
I've got my bible...er...uh...well "A" bible anyway, and I'm furiously searching through it. I am scouring each and every translated edited word of it. I WILL find where and when the next dealy tornado will hit and where and when the next cataclysmic earthquake will hit or I won't BECAUSE IT ISN'T FUCKING IN THERE!!!!! And neither is the date of the end of the world. In fact, there isn't much in there but a collection of old folklore stories that have been hijacked and attributed to the guy that mows my lawn. I asked him. "Hey Jesus, I didn't know you died and came back to life?"
He just nodded and turned the leave blower up full blast.

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phetaroi's picture
There's already a thread

There's already a thread about this topic and there are some thoughtful posts there.

mykcob4's picture
I know. I just wanted room to

I know. I just wanted room to be creative.

algebe's picture
Try the Bible Code. With that

Try the Bible Code. With that you can predict just about anything after it's already happened.

Sky Pilot's picture


There will be about 35 earthquakes around the world today, one or two will be in Oklahoma.

xenoview's picture
I doubt anything is going to

I doubt anything is going to happen on Sept. 23 that will end the earth as we know it. He is just another nut job looking for his 5 seconds of fame in the spotlight.

Russian-Tank's picture
what you should do is make a

what you should do is make a bet with the person making the prediction. Bet them $100 that the world won't end. Then, if it doesn't, collect your $100. If it does, both of you are dead so you can't give them your money.

Sky Pilot's picture
So far there has been 30

So far there has been 30 earthquakes today and 2 of them were in Oklahoma. That's pretty good predicting.

Nyarlathotep's picture
California gets about 20-30

California gets about 20-30 earthquakes on a normal day.

algebe's picture
New Zealand gets 15,000 a

New Zealand gets 15,000 a year, so the trick would be to predict a day without an earthquake.

Dan Raleigh's picture
World will not end in 23rd.

World will not end in 23rd. However, there's a group of people holding an advanced technology and they have been keep this technology secret for such a long time. There must have been a Golden age way back in the past. These alleged prophets are capable of predicting future because of a voice that they hear and sometimes this voices claim itself as a creature and sometimes as God. There's a hidden technology that is capable of stimulating human brains and make them to perceive hearing or perceive seeing etc.. Therefore, due to these voices only people some people are accurately predicting future. Following is an in-depth article about all these abnormal electrical activities of human brains. We are blind to recognise this.


mykcob4's picture
Dan, I am reporting you for

Dan, I am reporting you for trolling and self-promotion. There is no such technology. With your long post, you have proved nothing. The testimonies are not credible. So don't try and hijack this or any other threads for your bullshit.

MCDennis's picture
So WHEN the world does not

So WHEN the world does not end tomorrow will they give up their theistic beliefs??? Of course not.

Dan Raleigh's picture
Oh, just because i have made

Oh, just because i have made a post, I can't make a comment to a relevant post? What's your logic mate? First, can you help me to understand this?

An alleged God has been talking to human beings for such a long time as you can see in below,






Though this alleged God has time to speak to human beings once in a while and give us WOW movements, this God seems to not have an interest in telling human beings the truth behind all the religions. Why is that ? Human beings are killing each other due to religions but he is not aware of it. Can we all have a discussion with him? A God must interact with human beings in an intelligent manner but just popping at times and then disappearing by showing abnormal knowledge is a sign of deception only and we are afraid to question it. Christian people are believing it and others are ignoring it without even questioning about this abnormal voice who claimed to be the God.

So what's is your logical explanation for this? Show your intelligence by having an intelligent reply if you have that kind of a capability rather saying that it's a bullshit..

mykcob4's picture

1) You need to address this issue on your own thread and not try hijacking this one.
2) A bunch of YouTube videos isn't proof of anything.
3) You don't have any science behind your claim.
4) If you are hearing voices in your head you need an MRI and medical attention.

Dan Raleigh's picture
mkcob, we open threads for

mkcob, we open threads for everyone to express their views, I'm wondering why you are taking it as a hijacking when I expressed my view on another thread?

Answer to your questions:

1). I'm making a logical claim based on my observation
2). Looks like you don't even accept that people do a hear a voice claiming to be the God and it's due to your poor research.
3). You can't expect scientific proof for a technology that is 5000 + times ahead then us but it's effect are there so we could talk about it in a logical manner.
4). No I don't hear voices and I'm not sure about you but if you do you are a victim of a technology only. The people that you seems to be ignoring as mentally ill people, are not mentally ill.

Flamenca's picture
Dan, Myk is right. You

Dan, Myk is right. You address this issue in another thread. I'm sorry you didn't get the answers you want, but there's no point on repeating the same arguments in other threads, because it's exactly the same people reading and writing, so you won't get different ones.

Dan Raleigh's picture
By the way, now only I saw

By the way, now only I saw that it was opened by you, looks like for some reason you don't like to see me commenting on your post. Not sure what kind of a personal issue that you are having with me? I haven't seen people acting in this way, just because a person commented on a thread. I just came here today and start a thread. I would be happy to see your logical explanations if you have any in my post.

Russian-Tank's picture
Dan, just leave

Dan, just leave

mykcob4's picture
No Dan, it isn't the fact

No Dan, it isn't the fact that you commented on a thread that I started. It's because you didn't stay on the topic of the thread. If you can't understand that then there is no help for you.

Keith Raye's picture
Nice one,mykob4! It's good to

Nice one,mykob4! It's good to see an arse-kicking rant now and then. I had a good laugh over yours - even though I agree with every last god damn fucking word!

MCDennis's picture
We're still here christards

We're still here christards

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