God or no God?

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frontslider's picture
God or no God?

Hi there,
I'm a new member and as an ex pentecostal I now have had my eyes opened to the fact that there is no god but that took a lot of soul searching. If anyone can prove it to me I would turn again but I've been an atheist for a number of years now and have put the challenge put there to all my religious friends and up to now no one has been able to prove it conclusivly to me. So for me religion, especially christianity, is no proof of a god.
So there you go if anyone has anything that would prove it I'd be interested to hear from you but I know what the out come of that will be?

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Herman's picture
What would you consider
hwi2's picture
There may be no proof of God
SammyShazaam's picture
The Bible is a very valuable
hwi2's picture
Hey frontslider, how have
catandmouse's picture
As you know each and every
hwi2's picture
I am not really sure what
catandmouse's picture
I have here used the fear as
Serjaydee's picture
I'm an atheist myself and I
UofLCardFan08's picture
Going along with what you
SammyShazaam's picture
What's worse is that they
atheister's picture
I believe what I see and
Trevor's picture
There are so many
Onwem's picture
frontslider, there's no
catandmouse's picture
I think aged people have an
dtommy79's picture
No-one can or will prove it
Mirta's picture
Yes, as I said in the other
samking009's picture
You should be personally
mysticrose's picture
I respect other people's

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