“God-fearing” psychosis as national policy

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S4Squelch's picture
“God-fearing” psychosis as national policy

“God-fearing” psychosis as national policy

I gotta say that everyone is important and that in the US, there are nothing but immigrants.
Every single person is a line to other continents.
Further, without the people coming in, seeking a better future and allowed to make it there, then stagnation will be it’s stupid, xenophobic end.
And when non-white, non-American born Jesus ends up looking a little duskier (the Harry Potter of the 300s and his book, wrote him a Middle-Eastern jew after all) and he dies on a train in Mexico, trying to bring you “the good word” won’t I look stupid cause it’s a fantasy.
Human Beings need to be treated as Humans, Humanly.

Good luck out there

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Cognostic's picture
rat spit's picture
Do you have a personal
boomer47's picture
rat spit's picture
Ah ha. Cranky 47. A voice
Cognostic's picture
@ opiwer oiypqih oiqiu[ hlnq
rat spit's picture
Looks like Salish First
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