Was at a BBQ. the other day. Great friends, great food, a few drinks didn't hurt either. One of the guys, very nice man, retired cop, we've had some great conversations over the years, came up to me at the end of the night, and said," we have to believe in the good lord upstairs, we are blessed...reember, He controls everything." Of course, I didn't want to begin a debate, or an argument and ruin a perfectly wonderful day, so I bit my tongue,said goodnight, and kept quiet. I know that this family is religious, and they are aware that I do not believe as they do ( I am the lone outcast) so we really don't get into any religious discussions. Buit that is a delve into the mind of the true theist...they really do believe that God cotrols everything, but yet, cannot explainwith any logical intelligence why it is 118 degrees in India, and the death toll is up around 2,000... or why it hasn't stopped raining in Texas and Oklahoma for the last 2 weeks, killing people and putting thousands of others out of their homes...or why there was an earthquake in Nepal that killed thousands of people...or why there are countries that every few seconds, someone starves to death...these things have NOTHING TO DO with "free will", unless of course it is Gods free will, which it appears it is, because He " controls everything." The above mentioned also has nothing to do with humans " ruining Gods perfect creation." Why dors God want to kill people? Why does He allow these things to happen? Is it His "plan?" Is it His "Will?" What possible explanation, with any logic, or reason, would a theist have for that? I would like to hear from a theist, to hear what kind of ridiculous reasonong is given. It still boggles my mind that there are so many people who believe this garbage...and/or who WANT to believe it...it's pathetic, and a huge reason why we have gullible, weak minded people who are addicted to this or that, and can't handle this or that, or find themselves in a mess because they believed some ridiculous scam, that made no sense.
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