GOD of the Bible Exist but Why men unable to find? Here's a Proof.

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William G Peter's picture
GOD of the Bible Exist but Why men unable to find? Here's a Proof.

IS THE BIBLE TRUE? & GOD of the Bible Exist but Why men unable to find? Here's a Proof.

The Title "IS THE BIBLE TRUE" itself is controversial because of the simple reason that the "BIBLE IS A BOOK" having truth in it that can only be brought out when one studies, searches and bring its TRUTH to the light as a result.

When we say "Bible is true" then there's no need for a man to think and break his head, let him simply read the truth and accept and move on, but that’s not a way the Bible was written, if it’s then there's no need to understand, men merely would like a cows & goats, thus there's no need to have a unique faculty called “thinking". There’s no need of a Critical thinking as men strives in search of Truth. But man is not like an animal though he's classified under biology as an animal which never think like a man.

Why do humans have such higher level of thinking?
What’s it purpose?
Who we are?
Where are we heading?
Where are we from?

As these sort of questions animals never ponder, though it thinks as part of it life process without a purpose. Whereas man is not like that ever since the day of his creation.

Men strive to learn things around and afar, he was created in perfect but his mind was closed to the knowledge of God and universe, it’s being called fall of man, what we have an account of creation in the Bible and the history of the Past were only an information that can led one to find an ultimate answers of an unanswered questions, that needs critical understanding, when an understanding reaches to the higher level, that's where the knowledge of God shall be found, that's where the mind of man should have to be opened and the HOLY BIBLE was written such a way, therefore it was inspired by God to men keeping in mind of such a purpose.

Simply reading Bible one cant come to know the truth or simply understanding the BIBLE doesn't lead one to know the truth unless or until those studies and understandings led to open the closed mindedness. Even children can read Bible and understand to some extent, similarly adult can also read and understands but all those effects are not contribute to open the closed mindedness, then there's no point for such studies and understandings.

What is it called Closed Mindedness?

Closed mindedness is something unable to understand higher level of knowledge when comes to God of the Bible. When Adam Disobeyed he was expelled from the garden of eden and there was Cherubim set up and the flaming sword that runs every direction to guard and to keep him away from reaching the way of the tree of life.

So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life -Genesis 3:24.

God is Spirit and invisible but Adam and his sons did not have any difficulty to communicate with God and the same has been alienated as the generation progressed to the extent to say that there’s no God exist and there’s no evidence for his existence. Man has developed in every field regard to the standard of life but have no knowledge of God and his mind was closed. In Adam every one was born in this world as close minded, therefore his mind has to be opened which’s literally going through the Cherubims and the flaming sword that run every direction and it’s a matter related to the mind that functions in the brain unlike the garden of eden is nothing but the world as a whole, the issue is not in the ground but in the brain.

Since man is a closed minded to the knowledge of God who made available his word in the Holy Bible so as to open his closed mindedness, therefore the Bible was written having contradictions, inconsistencies and discrepencies, if there’s no contradictions then there’s no need to motivate the mind wherein thinking take place which’s an unique faculty than any other creature in the world.

If everything is plain then there’s no need of motivation, there is no need of a breakthrough, then there’s no need to open closed mindedness. People who are thinking that they are open minded, Intelligence and always seek logics and reasons while they themselves are in closed mindedness, therefore when they comes to know the contradictions, inconsistencies and discrepencies, they reject by saying it’s an error and fallible.

On the contrary, if anyone approaches the contradictions having accepted his closed mindedness, then he has every possibility to question why there’s a contradictions in the Bible? Why there’s inconsistencies and discrepencies? Such approach would play a great role by opening the closed mindedness which’s exactly passing through the flaming sword that run every direction to reach the way of the tree of life and to become Immortal which was the original position of Adam.

Since the brain is closed minded and sealed, it has to be opened by taking the contradicting statements of the Bible into the mind. For Example:

And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel for “I HAVE SEEN GOD” face to face, and my life is preserved. Genesis 32:30.

Now another Statement that says:

“NO MAN HATH SEEN GOD” at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. 1 John 4:12.

When these sort of contradictions are taken into the mind then it would led into a mode of contemplation whether to accept the Bible as an infallible word of God or to reject that it’s not an infallible word of God but when a person who takes these words having a perception that his mind is closed, then he cant simply reject, in stead keep these contradictions in the mind and continue to ponder, why there’s a contradiction having a firm faith on God, then that’s where the foundation of the stability of the brain begin to shake and break the seal of closed mindedness paving way for the quenching of the Spirit which would begins to depart from the head, that’s the point one could come to know an existence of Spirit and how it was built in the physical body system.

Once the quenching begins that would be the final moment of life or near death scenario wherein the Spirit of GOD Enters into the head paving way for the Spirit of man to Exits from the head and take control of a person and seal on the head wherein water plays a pivotal role that nobody knows except the one who go through such a process as it happens without a time gap and this has been describes as Born Again by the LORD JESUS CHRIST when He was talking to an expert called, Nicodemus.

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5

Further He explains.,

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it COMETH, and whither it GOETH so is every one that is born of the Spirit. John 3:8.

ENTER of the Spirit of GOD into the physical body and EXIT of the Spirit of man from the physical body has been described as cometh and goeth in the above word of CHRIST.

What could Possibly cometh and goeth in an individual physical body? Only men knew the departure of Spirit or Consciousness or Mind, in other words consciousness or Spirit cease to exist in the physical body, if so there must be an arrival of the Spirit of God or consciousness of God into the physical body as it not happen to anybody doesn’t mean it never happens, it might happen to anybody if he diligently study the word of God. Jesus said.,

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life:and they are they which testify of me. John 5:39

Therefore, arrival of the HOLY SPIRIT into the physical body is also possible, if that happens then the physical body can become an Immortal. One may argue this has not been happened to the early Apostles, yes., but the time of Apostles is differ from the time prior to the return of Christ as they were not accessed to the book of Revelation which was written by John the Apostle for the purpose of make it available to the subsquent generations. Therefore the entirety of the New Testament can only be applicable to the Christians who live during the last days, thus the argument becomes invalid. However by the arrival of the HOLY SPIRIT into the physical body would fulfil what CHRIST said in Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1 and Luke 9:27.

The Bible calls exit of a Spirit from the body is death as Adam was dead Spiritually and the same is vice versa when opens the closed mindedness of men, so as to see the wondrous things of the God of the Holy Bible and come to know the knowledge of God wherein DEATH as exit of a Spirit of man from the physical body and Enter as Resurrection of the Spirit of God into the physical body takes place as such person is fulfilled what has been said concerning man.

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Hebrews 9:27.

Since it has been fulfilled only among some Individuals who are called Born Again, obtained Salvation and shall not come into judgement but capable to repetition what CHRIST did back then by challenging power of death and their lives are correlated to the return of CHRIST.

Conclusion: LORD JESUS CHRIST said.,

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24.

Adam passed from life unto death but those who are being sinners technically died but believe on CHRIST shall pass from death unto ever lasting life as the result of believe, thereafter there’s no necessary to believe but become a witness of GOD / JESUS. Therefore the Holy Bible is TRUE, capable to TURN mortal man into an Immortal that would be Proved in the times to come as the climax of this world.


Thanking you,
William G.Peter
New Testament Activist’s
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0An37PofdJI
Email: wgppeter@gmail.com


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bigbill's picture
which version of the bible
William G Peter's picture
I can go with any
Nyarlathotep's picture
Peter - my 1st language Bible
William G Peter's picture
bigbill's picture
well no Peter I`m not
William G Peter's picture
See, I'm not ask you to shun
bigbill's picture
Do you see what is happening
William G Peter's picture
You don't understand what
bigbill's picture
can you please explain to me
William G Peter's picture
I love always being a human
bigbill's picture
William your still be waiting
William G Peter's picture
You know when JESUS was
ThePragmatic's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
I thought he meant he was
William G Peter's picture
Thanks for asking, I have
mykcob4's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Peter
William G Peter's picture
Thank you for taking time to
ThePragmatic's picture
Hi. I'll post my answer in
MCDennis's picture
I know what it means to be a
chimp3's picture
If Adam had sons who did they
SauronOfAkkad's picture
Their sisters.
mykcob4's picture
SauronOfAkkad's picture
Sorry but it's the answer. I
mykcob4's picture
It has been a LIE for a long
SauronOfAkkad's picture
Prove it. A lie implies a
mykcob4's picture
No no no you don't. The onus
SauronOfAkkad's picture
No actually, it's on you to
chimp3's picture
Science has already proven
Chris McDearman's picture
But how do you even affirm


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