God and Science

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dtommy79's picture
God and Science

Most Atheists don't believe in God because of scientific reasons. However, there are many scientists that do believe in God.
So do you think it's such an impossible idea that God and science can exist together?

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gladoscc's picture
Religion and science tends to
Mirta's picture
Religion has no scientific
dtommy79's picture
Even Einstein believed in
Zarathustra's picture
You misunderstand, and
dtommy79's picture
Actually I didn't
SammyShazaam's picture
This pantheism sounds
Zaphod's picture
Me too, Its as decribed above
PsychoSarah's picture
If god is inanimate, then I
Mirta's picture
Yes, science is a matter of
VinnieIlDuce's picture
Can I ask you why you think
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm not really going to agree
PsychoSarah's picture
I know some atheists that
Tman127182's picture
Science is based on facts and
dtommy79's picture
I don't think it's about
Tman127182's picture
The bad part is that people
Zarathustra's picture
I think certain ideas of God
dtommy79's picture
"why would he want, having
SammyShazaam's picture
The thought there must be a
samking009's picture
If science is perfectly
Tman127182's picture
if god is the first scientist
SammyShazaam's picture
I don't think science rules
Zaphod's picture
I agree Sammy, Science does
Matty Arnold's picture
I believe that God completely
Zaphod's picture
Probably one of the most
mysticrose's picture
God is simply beyond any
DarkLight's picture
Science is just a flawed way
TW Duke's picture
Why would you say that? Hasn
Zaphod's picture
I would argue that religion
Zaphod's picture
Hard to argue with that
TW Duke's picture
Yes, that's how we learn just


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