The futility of prayer.

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The antichrist's picture
The futility of prayer.

I wonder how many people thanked God for their survival following the Lisbon earthquake of 1755?
An estimated 40,000 to 60,000 people perished when an earthquake hit Lisbon on All Saints Day, many of those who died were attending celebratory services in the city's cathedral and churches.
Did the Lord select who lived or died that day, and if so, on what premise did he make his choice?

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mysticrose's picture
Natural disaster is something
The antichrist's picture
Mysticrose, from your comment
Michee's picture
Maybe he wanted them to go to
ImFree's picture
Earthquakes caused by the
Capt.Bobfm's picture
If the world was flat, we
ImFree's picture
It took theists a while to
CyberLN's picture
But prayer is a pretty good

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