A full Proof for God's existence

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Anas Waleed's picture
A full Proof for God's existence

I am here to drop one of the most convincing arguments out there by Avicenna..
Original Article:

Who is smart enough to refute it?

This argument does NOT assume the impossibility of infinite regression...
This argument does NOT beg the question...

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David Killens's picture
Mod, please remove this post
Anas Waleed's picture
I disagree, Wikipedia is
David Killens's picture
It is considered an honest
Anas Waleed's picture
Oh you have misconceptions
NewSkeptic's picture
I thought it should be
CyberLN's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Anas Waleed's picture
"none of these philosophical
Dave Matson's picture
Anas Waleed's picture
"The argument is rooted in
Dave Matson's picture
Anas Waleed's picture
" referenced some earlier
LogicFTW's picture
Why do you suppose that this
Sheldon's picture
Why do we need arguments? Can
Anonymous's picture
Soft kitty,
Anas Waleed's picture
Sorry, I dont see how your
arakish's picture
avicenna: "objective morality
Anas Waleed's picture
"It is all subjective."
arakish's picture
Then prove there is such a
Sheldon's picture
"God does show that he exists
Anas Waleed's picture
"Such as it is yes, and
Sheldon's picture
"That's probably due to your
Anas Waleed's picture
" Insulting me may make you
David Killens's picture
@ avicenna
Sheldon's picture
Hmm I didn't insult you
Anas Waleed's picture
"I already did, you were busy
Sheldon's picture
You have offered nothing
Anas Waleed's picture
"So are you done then?"
Sheldon's picture
I have introduced nothing,
Sheldon's picture
I have introduced nothing,


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