Full Mental Jacket

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MCDennis's picture
Full Mental Jacket

President Rump continued to suck up to the far right including the religious fundis. The VP is a minister and of course he is a religious fundamentalist. Here are my thoughts on film titles that match this chaos:

Apocalypse Now; The Wizard of Odd; Psycho; 12 Angry Men; ; La La Land and Pinochhio

Any suggestions?

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mykcob4's picture
'Fool On The Hill' the

'Fools On The Hill' the Beatles

algebe's picture
Rocky Horror Picture Show

Rocky Horror Picture Show

("I've been making a man
With blonde hair and a tan...")

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
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true lies

chimp3's picture
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Mike and the Giant Peach

curtisabass's picture
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CyberLN's picture
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mykcob4's picture
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Flamenca's picture
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