The Frivolous Debate

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Kataclismic's picture
The Frivolous Debate

Hello all, just a little story for you.

I joined a Facebook group called The Great Debate. It's a closed group so I had to ask and I was welcomed by a self-proclaimed Christian. I joined this group because it was mentioned at one point in the forums here and I really wanted to know what sort of arguments they posed. I'm going to end up making a long story even longer if I think about it too much but suffice it to say I spent a bit of time conversing with the most overbearing Christian in the group, pointing out his logical fallacies and giving reasons why his evidence was anything but. This got old rather quickly and this fore-mentioned personality eventually began to attack me personally. When I pointed out that he was just proving my evidence that religion is a con by attacking me personally as opposed to providing actual evidence; the Christians kicked me out of the group. No warning, no explanation, just blocked from the page.

So does this qualify as a win? I can't even see the page to know what they are saying about me but I would be deluding myself if I thought they were actually owning up to my accusations. So what's the point? If they kick you out when you prove your case how can they consider themselves a debate group?

Anyway, I thought you might enjoy sharing in my win.

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chimp3's picture
charvakheresy's picture
Must have been fun.....
ZeffD's picture
Any group can reject any

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