I just read something about god and i'd like to hear some peoples opinions
i is called the free will defense and it says
"go maximized the goodness in the world by creating free being. and being free means that we have the choice to do evil things - a choice that some of us try to exercise"
It is claiming that god is all powerful, all knowing and all good and that is why he doesn't do anything about the evil in the world.
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Then God cannot be all knowing, can he? Because then your free will would be an illusion. Free will and god can coexist, yes. But then god cannot be all knowing or all powerful. If god is all powerful, he could make you act in certain ways or he could make decisions that deny you certain choices in life. To have free will, god must be only as able, if not less able than a human he created. He would only know the past, and he wouldn't be able to make any action or decision that affects humans. So he might as well not be god.
i completely understand because if what we claim god to be is true than he is in the future past present and he knows what is going to happen there for did i really make any choices? And if i don't make any choices how can i be held accountable for them?
Seems you answered your own question.
If it did not, read the holy book of your choice, and try and make logical sense of the "rules" to get into heaven after you die. It is incredibly vague on the rules with lots of contradictions.
For instance, the the bibles I know a little bit about goes on and on about forgiveness, a central theme. I could sin and reject god for 80 years, and on my death bed, "accept jesus in my heart, confess my sins, be "born again" and be accepted into heaven even though 99% of my life I sinned, and spit in the face of god. Leading to why bother follow the rules? Why not "sin and do "evil." there is no consequences from this mighty god if you just take an extra step at the end.
Or... it is all made up 100's of years ago by people, and there is no god.
I don't buy that. It sounds like somthing someone made up in order to undermine a secular pov.
How can it work really? If I breed betta fish, I am their creator. In this environment I should be all powerful and all knowing too. Knowing that they must be separated as they mature and having the power to do so when ready. They would have no Idea what's happening. I, their creator, will not simply let them kill each other and ect.
So this god argument Imo is just a bs excuse.
What? The god maximizes goodness by allowing badness? This is fortune cookie nonsense. Why wouldn't the ''goodness'' entity simply ban all evil/sorrow? If I were a god, I would.
Right; maximizing goodness is a meaningless phrase.
An all powerful and knowing god could remove all evil from the world without taking free will away. As for the christian god being all good is a load of human shit, the god of the bible committed and commanded murder, rape, and slavery.
Babies have no free will. They can't decide whether to do good or evil. That means they haven't signed up to god's free will/non-interference deal. So god should be able to intervene to save them without violating the free will prime directive.
Yet plenty of bad things happen to babies all the time. They die in wars in Syria, terrorist bombings in Iraq, tower block fires in London... Many are abused and killed by their own parents. Where's god when all this is happening? Doesn't this negate the free will defense?
babies do actually have a free will though they just don't have capabilities to pursue any of their thoughts.
What evidence do you have that infants have free will? If there is a substantive difference between having free will and not having the capabilities to pursue any of their thoughts as opposed to not having free will, please describe it.
(Edited for clarity)
Until about three months, a baby can do nothing but lie where it is put down. They can't even raise their heads or turn over. They have nothing but needs, instincts, and urges, which they can only express by crying. Babies respond to stimuli, such as hunger, pain, and wetness, but I've never seen any sign of free will.
And that's another reason why religious butchers should keep their knives away from infants.