Free Will to choose.

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deanabiepepler's picture
Free Will to choose. Read All the links ;)

okay just think of the fact that Aleister Crowley mocked Religion and he was given Guidance and Freedom By Lucifer Satan And Baphomet. YOU HAVE FREE WILL and you can have freedom

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chimp3's picture
Satanism! The B-side to

Satanism! The B-side to Christianity. How original!

bigbill's picture
yes and he chose the path to

yes and he chose the path to destruction.people make all kind of immoral decisions, So its what you do with it that makes all the difference.

Daniel's picture
Freewill? Unfortunately, we

Freewill? Unfortunately, we have very limited freewill. The illusion that we make totally independent choices has been slowly eroding for decades now. The best we can do is act as if we have freewill all the while knowing it is mostly an illusion.

deanabiepepler's picture
i am posting this because You

i am posting this because You can choose Theistic Luciferianism you wont be tortured
Read the sites in the Group

chimp3's picture
I am a better libertine than

I am a better libertine than Alistair Crowley. He could not sin without seeking permission to commit his debauchery . I can stand on my own two feet and commit endless crimes against the Judeo-Christian moral code. No demons required.

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