France: MInd your own business, God: stop ogling women in bikinis

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algebe's picture
France: MInd your own business, God: stop ogling women in bikinis

I can understand French people being frightened and angry after the recent outrages, but shouldn't what people wear or don't wear be their own business? If you don't like what you see, look the other way. All these bans are doing is preventing the wives and daughters of pathetic god-ridden, Muslim control freaks from taking a swim.

Why are religious people so afraid of the human body? Isn't it the supreme masterpiece of their imaginary friend? A long time ago I heard a story from someone who'd been raised by nuns in a catholic orphanage. She was forced to wear a nightgown when taking a bath, and she asked a nun why she had to cover up when there was no-one else in the bathroom who could see her. "But the good lord can see you," was the explanation. She said she thought of god as the great peeping Tom in the sky after that.

I guess if god wanted us to be naked, we'd have been born naked, right?

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Nice post! By the way, the
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