Flat Earth Hypothesis

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Randomhero1982's picture
Flat Earth Hypothesis

I am curious to what you guys think of this flat earth lark... and yes I refuse to label it as 'theory' because a) that's grossly wrong, b) it's failed spectacularly to meet any burden of proof or evidence and c) because it's bollocks.

I stumbled across this during some browsing on Facebook where I follow NASA and The ISS for their wonderful videos, only to see the mental defective skidmarks trolling the pages essentially with this flat earth nonsense.

I got talking to one who told me how NASA was a fake government organisation that CGIs everything and was run by Nazi's... (I shit you not!!!) Furthermore, I was sent a link to a YouTube video of a model of this 'flat earth' in action with the sun and moon within a 'dome' and acting like a spotlight because it's only 5km or so away... Oh and we're surrounded by an ice wall guarded by the UN apparently.

I raise a quick question rather then going balls deep with the gentleman I spoke to, and after noticing he was American I asked how this model accounted for a solar eclipse he would see himself that runs east to East coast and also considering mercury and Venus transit the sun they too must be sitting within the 'dome' above us...

Funnily enough I got told to open my eyes and feel the truth... to which I replied, you feel and I'll think.

Is this a serious thing? I'm seriously concerned about the mental faculties or lack of with some of my fellow primates.

Has anyone else experienced this? Or if your someone who subscribes to this... why?

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Oh yeah, there are people out

Oh yeah, there are people out there who believe that shit. There are also trolls who just pretend to believe it to mess with you. I have no idea what the ratio is between them.

Bovski's picture
It may have made sense years

It may have made sense years ago but having flown & seen the curvature of the earth it really doesn't fool me besides the satellites orbits would be all messed up.

algebe's picture
Ask a flat-earthers if they

Ask a flat-earthers if they use GPS navigation in their cars. If so, where are satellites that provide the signals? Ask them also why the stars look different from Australia/New Zealand. Is somebody tampering with the constellations to fool us? I can't see the Pole Star from here, but I sure can see the Southern Cross pointing due south at South Pole.

There is so much commonsense evidence against flat-earthism. Time zones are another example. If you go up in airplane, the world actually looks round beneath you. Even standing on a beach you can see it if you watch vessels come floating up over the horizon.

The only question that remains is whether flat-earthers are nuttier than hollow-earthers.

chimp3's picture
I have no time for that shit.

I have no time for that shit. Those people are voluntarily ignorant.

MCDennis's picture
voluntarily ignorant.

voluntarily ignorant. genius description

Jared Alesi's picture
Personally, I think the

Personally, I think the people dumb enough to believe in that stuff will probably go on to win a Darwin Award, if we could be so lucky. Perhaps their offspring will, as anyone who would procreate with them would surely be just as daft.

curtisabass's picture
Apparently the international

Apparently the international or national flat earth society is having their convention in my hometown, Raleigh, NC. Some were interviewed by the newspapers. I think some of them actually believe this shit. I even found a website with a photo of the wall at the earth's edge. It wasn't ice. You could see it was built. So how come all the water didn't run off the earth before they built tthe wall? And if it did run off the edge, where does it go? Inquiring minds want to know. Unlike flat earthers.

Randomhero1982's picture
I kinda thought similar to

I kinda thought similar to you all, surely they must be trolls?! I have a young daughter and if she brought one of these muppets back I think I would beat them to death with a telescope...


Attach Image/Video?: 

David_Holloway's picture
I've looked into it

I've looked into it extensively but had to drop it because flat Earthers more bat shit crazy than creationists, it made me go twitchy (although I think their philosophies are closely related inbred cousins, although they aren't necessarily mutually inclusively).
It all stems back to an experiment done in Bedfordshire, England in 1860s. Their is a stretch of canal that is completely straight for 6 miles  (9.6 km). The experiment involved sending a boat down the stretch whilst observing it through a telescope. When the boat arrived at the end, it could still been seen. Now accorsing to the formula for working out curvature of the Earth (every kilometre toward the horizon you drop 8 centimetres below it) the boat should have been nearly 8 metres below the horizon and therefore shouldn't have been able to be seen. Of course what they failed to take into account is that water vapour raising of the water refracts light, thus explain why an object 8m below the horizon can still be seen.

Now to the "globe Earth conspiracy". The conspiracy theory goes that we deliberately taught the world is round with other fundamental facts (1+1=2, colours of the Rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, the musical scale is doh, rai, me, fa, so, la, te, doh, etc) so it is at the core of what we know to be true, so when somebody comes along and says "the world is flat" we look at them like they've just told us that 1+1=3. Flat Earthers do genuine believe that rest of us have been duped by the biggest conspiracy in human history, they even look at us with pity (and at time with a smug arrogance) that we are still gave been duped and they know the truth.

The reason for the conspiracy, what good does it do to perpetuated the globe Earth conspiracy? Well the theory goes that after Columbus discovered America, the round world theory got taken as fact. It wasn't until the 1960 when we sent rockets up that we could see for sure if it was round or flat. Apparently, according to flat Earthers, they found that world was a disc, under a dome, which scared the shit out them. According to Flat Earthers, NASA and the Russian space agency sent nukes up, over a 5 year period, to try and break the dome which they failed to do. They now continue to perpetuated the lie because it's a multi-billion dollar per year industry. Doctoring photographs to help prove their lie

Now they tell us to use our eyes, and as we personally have never been to space, we can't have seen the round Earth. To which I say, if you look around you can see evidence of how lazy nature is. If you throw water up in the air, it forms droplets, ie small spheres, not disks, you blow bubbles and they come out in in spheres, not flat disks, it stands to reason that on a much larger scale, this pattern of nature's laziness would hold true on something as large as the Earth. Of course this is futile because just like creationists, there is no reasoning with flat Earthers.

Personally I believe there is a sinister motive behind it, an attempt to regress the the masses knowledge to that of the dark ages, after all an ignorant population is easy to control through manipulation.

Just writing this and dealing with this level of stupidity has given me a headache, I'm gonna take a break and maybe some paracetamol.

biggus dickus's picture
The only flat thing is their

The only flat thing is their brain.

xenoview's picture
Sadly my son is a flat

Sadly my son is a flat earther. He believe that ice walls hold the water in. The boy recently was working on a skyscraper, I guess he didn't notice the curvature of the earth.

Randomhero1982's picture
Xenoview - I've heard that

Xenoview - I've heard that one a lot myself, funnily enough though I an engineer for a top seismic company that actual deploys and installs boreholes in the Antarctic... guess what... No ice wall! Pmsl

Oh and no UN navy guarding it either.

Apparently I'm now 'one of them'.

David_Holloway's picture
To me the whole thing reeks

To me the whole thing reeks of someone desperately trying to keep their belief going in the face of evidence to the contray. Isn't that the definition of stupidity?

Randomhero1982's picture
Very much so chap, however I

Very much so chap, however I'm concerned that so many (albeit a tiny minority) believe it, and this could filter down to younger generations.

LogicFTW's picture
I have a hard time believing

I have a hard time believing anyone that has access to modern equipment, and has at least a high school education in understanding the world around them truly believe the earth is flat. (And to what purpose?)

But hey, at least those people give other major religion theist a run for their money when it comes to immense denial and ignorance?

David_Holloway's picture
Randomhero1982, like I said

Randomhero1982, like I said in the last paragraph my orginally comment, I suspect that whole mordern flat Earth movement is an attempt to regress the knowledge of the masses, afterall a well informed, free think society cannot be controlled so easily.

Randomhero1982's picture
Well said chap!

Well said chap!

On a side note I was watching some more laughable YouTube videos from some of these educational deficient muppets and stumbled across some debunking videos.

Would strongly suggest some people look up a certain 'Cool hard logic', brilliant videos with a good sense of humour to boot.

He also does videos debunking(testing) geocentrism and had series on other stupid theories such as chem trails in a series called 'world of bat shit.

curious's picture
There was a poster in an

There was a poster in an Islamic forum who post the "flat earth" theory. I thought that was one off post, but apparently it was ongoing. He left because he was angry when people did not take his theory seriously. I replied only once, as how the object disappeared at distance.

But the good thing is, this is proof that we are diverse and not static, and we will disappear in the end. Each on it's own.

Kataclismic's picture
I messaged with a woman about

I messaged with a woman about it a little. She had a measurement of something about eight inches of sinkage behind the horizon per mile of distance and she stated she didn't understand all the details but that was impossible because she can see right to the bottom of things that are miles and miles away. Never got down to whether she was standing on a mountain or not but it became obvious very quickly that she didn't understand the mathematics and therefore considered them wrong.

Dundt's picture
I recall when this first

I recall when this first exploded in certain social media. One day it did not exist, the next day there were all kinds of posts all over the place. I first thought it was something related to some major tv show (I did not have a tv, and still do not) that people were posting about. I usually do not click on tv related stuff, and so took me a while to click. I was on youtube, and just could not make sense of it, the video seemed so serious. I clicked some more videos. Then my mind really got going,.. what in the world could possible and suddenly change a large amount of the population to believe something incredible far fetched? I even thought to my self, maybe it is flat. And so, I started thinking about it, but many personal experiences came up, one of many, looking at Chicago from Warren dunes, that proved to myself that the Earth is not flat. Then, back to what could have happened to make so many people suddenly change their mind to believe something so outrageous. It was hours later, but it hit me, something that at least made logical sense. Based on the sudden appearance of all the posts and videos, and the vast quantity, "It Is A Psyops". I still believe that. I think the reason for it is to make people who are in the Truth Community look like mental fools. These are the communities where I had seen the most comments and posts on it. And, now today, I think that some people are believing that the world is flat.

LogicFTW's picture
Naw, all those planes that

Naw, all those planes that fly over half the world, over the pacific ocean and stuff, they fly around the edges and go the long way to their destination in effort to keep the grand conspiracy up. All the windows on those planes are really super high resolution tv screens to trick people. Using 100's of precisely calibrated cameras while on the ground and infallible recording and playback technology while in the air. They refuel the planes at great expense in mid air to make the real 18k mile trip that (no commercial plane has fuel capacity for yet that we know of,) that should've been a trip of only 6000 miles. The pilots are sworn to secrecy, and the planes are special planes that can travel 3x faster than other commercial planes, but are able to hide/prevent the effects of going 1500 mph instead of just 500.

Why the giant conspiracy? Because if everyone knew the earth was flat, it would be obvious it was created by god, and the earth is the center of the universe. That would be too easy!

Yeah.. that is way more likely than the earth is flat.

/sarcasm *now turned off*

Man I would love to argue an actual flat earther. I have flow across the pacific several times, and across the atlantic nearly a dozen times.

algebe's picture
When I was 13, I traveled

When I was 13, I traveled with my family by ship from the UK to New Zealand. That's the longest journey you can make without starting to go back around the other side. It took a month. The ship's clocks were moved forward by 30 minutes most days, but the sun was always highest at midday. How could that work on a flat world?

I saw other ships and land, coming up over the horizon and disappearing below it behind us. Nowhere did I see an edge of the world. The horizon was always the same distance away.

Amber Horner's picture


if so pie does nor exist in any form.....

Randomhero1982's picture


That and a lot of other things wouldn't exist to the flattards.

Sky Pilot's picture
If the Earth is flat what

If the Earth is flat what about the moon and the planets? Is the moon simply a flat plate that's perpendicular to our field of view? Or is everything else a spheroid with the Earth being the only flat planet?

The Flat Earthers built the town of Zion in Illinois as their "capital". They were all insane.


From 2017 = http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2017/06/08/flat-earth-billboard-schuylk...

Sometimes I hope that we get hit with a giant killer asteroid to put us out of our misery. People have gotten too stupid to continue to survive.

LogicFTW's picture
"Sometimes I hope that we get

"Sometimes I hope that we get hit with a giant killer asteroid to put us out of our misery. People have gotten too stupid to continue to survive."

I sort of agree with that, but the problem that comes to my mind is: then the only survivors would be the crazy doomsday preppers. Of course, if the asteroid/meteor was big enough, even doomsday preppers would not survive either. So I amend your statement to: "a texas sized asteroid wipes out all of us.

Me personally though I feel the animals and plants should be spared, so if indeed humans need to be wiped out, some super deadly human only virus that wipes out all human fertility. (That way we can spend our last century or so of humanity cleaning up our mess, shutting down nuclear waste plants etc so we can lessen the overall impact on the planet from our sudden disappearance.

Randomhero1982's picture
I think it is the death

I think it is the death throws of creationism...
I've read some whacky stuff before and I can understand people being allured by the thought of conspiracy but this is full retard.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Yeah I have a co-worker who

Yeah I have a co-worker who is dead serious in his Flat Earth belief.

skruffy's picture
I've never knowingly met a

I've never knowingly met a Flat Earther but I did receive an email link to this idiot:


You honestly couldn't make it up.

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