Fine tuning of the universe

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TwanSky's picture
Fine tuning of the universe

I suggest the following explanation to the fine tuning argument:
No conscious observation from within the universe yet, therefore it exists in a superposition state (quantum mechanically speaking). With that goes a Wavefunction that contains all the possible universes. In only ONE of them will evolve the FIRST conscious creature able of making the first observation. At that exact instance the wavefunction collapses and this universe of the first observer materializes into reality. The others never existed. Obviously, the universe in which a conscious observer evolves first is going to be the one in which the fine tuning is best.

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arakish's picture
And how do you know there ain
TwanSky's picture
The wavefunction collapse
Dave Matson's picture
I doubt that consciousness
TwanSky's picture
I don't disagree, the fact is
Cognostic's picture
Whatever you are using as a
TwanSky's picture
I am not defining
Cognostic's picture
You are of course wrong. We
TwanSky's picture
Of course I could be wrong.
Cognostic's picture
@Coming out of our Big Bang??
TwanSky's picture
Thanks, but I don't see how
Sapporo's picture
In my view, where universes
TwanSky's picture
I don't know for sure, but
David Killens's picture
How does anyone know that
TwanSky's picture
We don't know, that's the
David Killens's picture
I disagree. If it is a valid
TwanSky's picture
My argument has nothing to do
Sheldon's picture
" many people have come to
TwanSky's picture
Sorry...I should have said
arakish's picture
Antoine: I should have said
Grinseed's picture
There are current yhrories
TwanSky's picture
I really don't know. Where do
Nyarlathotep's picture
Antoine - following quantum
TwanSky's picture
When I say "disappear", I am
arakish's picture
Reference Post: http://www
TwanSky's picture
Well...I don't know if the
arakish's picture
Antoine: Well...I don't know
Cognostic's picture
@"That the theory sucks, I
LogicFTW's picture
Why does the universe need to
arakish's picture
And that is something I have
TwanSky's picture
Of course, life adapts to its


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