Final Judgement

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CyberLN's picture
Final Judgement

No matter what the religious flavor, I’ve never met nor heard of any theist (in one that espouses eternal reward/punishment) that would say s/he will end up on the punishment end of the deal when they die. I’ve also heard them refer to their dead loved ones as “in a better place”, not in a worse one.

Have you?

It seems they consider themselves worthy despite many of them saying, “we are all sinners.”

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Tin-Man's picture
Every funeral I have ever
algebe's picture
The afterlife is a
boomer47's picture
algebe's picture
I'm not sure if the authors
boomer47's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
I have heard, in the
boomer47's picture
@Old man shouts;
algebe's picture
@Cranky47 I've also become
boomer47's picture
CyberLN's picture
Yep, I hear that folks who
Sheldon's picture
Homergreg's picture
If there's a Hell, like what
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Homer
Homergreg's picture
I guess the only penalty is
Sheldon's picture
Homergreg's picture
I know right!?
Sheldon's picture
Homergreg's picture
That could indeed be the case
Sheldon's picture
Sheldon "It has often been
Homergreg's picture
Or maybe they are all seeking
Sheldon's picture
Homer "Or maybe they are all
Homergreg's picture
Lol, "fact it is an almost
Sheldon's picture
Homer "Lol, "fact it is an
Homergreg's picture
I guess I'm a poor example of
Sheldon's picture
Homergreg's picture
Ok buddy,
CyberLN's picture
Homer, after reading just
Homergreg's picture
When I see so many
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Homer
Homergreg's picture
I think if you didn't chop


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