Fancy your chances?

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Danny Craft's picture
Fancy your chances?

I rejected religion when I was 7 years old, I was raised a christian til then. As soon as I found out that there was more than one religion, that was enough reason for me to completely dismiss them all as untrue.
.. The same logic stays with me today thankfully.

So I'm curious how Theists feel about the statistics. The most popular religion (according to wiki) is Christianity currently at 31.5%. So still, even if you are a member of the worlds most popular religion, there is still a 68.5% chance that you are wrong, and so devoting your life to a lie.. No matter what religion you believe in, the odds are ALWAYS against you. Tough gamble.
.. Statistically speaking, you're probably all wrong, but woddya reckon.. fancy your chances?

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Lmale's picture
Ive argued that point myself.
mattyn's picture
The statistics of that
Lmale's picture
Well creationists do believe
Lmale's picture
Yea i have a thought of a
Lmale's picture
Yes atheists accept they may
Danny Craft's picture
Nah your right, the same
Lmale's picture
SammyShazaam's picture
Satistically speaking, given
beneames's picture
That makes sense if you start
Lmale's picture
Well said.
SammyShazaam's picture
Hey, if you're a being that
Frrank's picture
Lets remember, until pretty
Travis Hedglin's picture
I hate arguments from
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
hmm, i think you need to
Travis Hedglin's picture
Jeff Vella Leone:
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"any particular order"
Travis Hedglin's picture
If you are given 1 out of 133
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I tend to agree with what you
Nyarlathotep's picture
Actually he said "The chance
Travis Hedglin's picture
"I tend to agree with what
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
you are dishonestly leaving
Travis Hedglin's picture
Jeff Vella Leone:
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Read what I actually wrote,
Travis Hedglin's picture
Jeff Vella Leone:
Nyarlathotep's picture
Travis -"The chance of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
None, since Joe picked jack
Nyarlathotep's picture
sorry I revered the name at
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
So from my rusty probability
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jeff - "When you say the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
but the question is


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