Faith, faith and faith!

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mysticrose's picture
Faith, faith and faith!

My friends and relatives told me that my faith is degrading. I have to go to church regularly again to gain my faith back. They told me that devils are everywhere to keep my faith to god away! I told them that I no longer want to be a catholic and don't want to belong to any religion. I still believe in god but not the god in any religion. They won't listen to me. They told me that it's just about faith and I need to renew my faith to god. Lol, such word is deafening, why they always reason lack of faith when a person denies his religion? What do you think about faith

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Walker's picture
I think you can have faith in
DarkLight's picture
Pepople telling that you need
Matty Arnold's picture
Here's a point to consider -
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Belief in spite of contrary
Zaphod's picture
I almost agree with Matty 100
samking009's picture
When you deny your religion
SammyShazaam's picture
Hmm... sounds like circular
mysticrose's picture
My relatives indeed pertains
Spewer's picture
It's sometimes said that
SammyShazaam's picture
faith - and I'm not
Spewer's picture
I draw a distinction between
SammyShazaam's picture
Good distinction. Let's see
Edéss Dak-Ho''s picture
The faith server didn't
archaeopteryx's picture
Mystic, if I may (I speak
mysticrose's picture
LOL! That was funny
SammyShazaam's picture
The archeopteryx was always
ginamoon's picture
I agree that faith can start
mysticrose's picture
Yet religious people believe
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm still havingg a hard time

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