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Do all people exhibit faith? Or only religious people

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mysticrose's picture
Faith is not just about on a's picture
I only ask because I've heard
ImFree's picture
Faith is the reason people
ImFree's picture
Blind faith without evidence's picture
My faith is not blind, and i
Travis Hedglin's picture
You will have to tell me what's picture
Colloquial OR religious
Travis Hedglin's picture
Everyone has faith in the
Spewer's picture
No guarantee, but this old's picture
I can prove to all of you
Nyarlathotep's picture
yes, I would like to see that's picture
You wanna talk about a
ThePragmatic's picture
This is just plain childish
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Faith is the confident belief
Chris T.'s picture
Faith is absolutely useless
JadeB's picture
I have faith. Faith is simply
CyberLN's picture
Just can't help saying it...
beneames's picture
Faith in the Bible is more
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
As always, religion keeps
beneames's picture
Nope, that's actually how it
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Faith in the Bible is more
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Faith is most explicitly
beneames's picture
You guys love to quote single
beneames's picture
Sorry not just "you guys." I
beneames's picture
Just thought of another
Spewer's picture
I would argue that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"We use the word to describe
ThePragmatic's picture
There is no point in
Jayden Xray's picture
Faith in the bible directly

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