Excuses theist bring to justify forced religion.
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Jeff, see below.
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While seemingly well written, this article is so riddled with typographic, to be kind, or careless, to be less kind, or ignorant, to be even less kind, errors that I have difficulty taking it seriously. I looked at it for 10 seconds and found the following: 1 Title Should Be All Capitals, 2. "Theist" in title should be "Theists", 3. In second sentence, "ceased" should be "seized", 4. In list at end, "christian" should be capitalized.
I have not read any more, perhaps I will go back to it later, after I have gotten over myself, but fear what I will find. Please, if you want to be taken seriously, at least do a spell check, although in this case even that would not have caught everything.
By your standards, as soon as I saw, "1. Title Should Be All Capitals", I should have written off your post. After all, not all of those words should, indeed, have been capitalized.
If you want to ignore all the posts that have punctuation, spelling, or error in syntax, then you will have little, if anything, to read. Get off the high horse and learn to accept something as interesting despite a couple of non-substantive boohoos.
Mr. "comma splices" wants to criticize typos.
Okay so I made a few typos,....so what. Read the content before you dismiss it. If you want to be a grammar NAZI then don't make writing errors. "christian" should NEVER be capitalized,....EVER!
The public is not responsible for teaching about prayer or gods. That is the responsibility of the parents and their churches. The purpose of the public school is to teach about our society/world and how to live in it. For our public systems to remain fair and benificial they must not include any theology. No excuse is valid for praying in schools. It does not belong there.