ex nihilo nihil fit

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RedleT's picture
ex nihilo nihil fit

So in this post I am going to discuss a fundamental premise to most cosmological arguments even if it is not always explicitly stated. Namely, nothing comes from nothing. When I say nothing in this context, I mean absolutely nothing. So for instance, as a Catholic I believe God created the universe out of nothing. How isn't this a case of something coming from nothing? The reason is that although there was no material cause, there was an efficient cause which was God. So, from something (God) something came.

So when I say that nothing comes from nothing, I mean that a complete absence of being and existence cannot produce something with being or existence but will remain as nothing. And just as a side note because I know some have raised this objection before, nothing can be conceived of in a certain way. However, since we have no experience of nothing or non being, we can or conceive of it in a negative and imperfect way. Nothing is the total lack of being or existence.

Some atheists try to disprove this fundamental premise by saying that quantum physics disproves this when quantum particles appear and disappear. However, from all of the reading I have done, those particles appear and disappear based off the orientation of energy fields.

But let's assume for a second these atheists are right and these particles are coming from absolutely nothing. They aren't coming from any energy or from how the quantum vacuum is orientated or from any kind of substance whatsoever. Furthermore, they can't come from some unknown or little understood physical law of nature since then that would be something. There is no rhyme or reason for why these particles go in and out of existence. When they go out of existence, they turn into nothing, and when they come into existence they come from nothing. What does this mean? Well, for one it means that physical laws are not absolute or even valid and neither are metaphysical laws. If particles can come from nothing, then why not thoughts or universes or so on? A tiny particle coming from nothing is equally as absurd as a inverse coming from nothing. Both things have no cause or explanation. There isn't even a conceivable or possible explanation for either one. Think that's absurd? Well, you might not even exist. How so? Maybe your thoughts and experiences are coming from nothing? Maybe there is no universe or any reality whatsoever. Maybe there is no being or existing thing. "Your" thoughts and experiences are just coming from nothing and not from you. "Your" thoughts don't reside in "you" but in nothing.

In conclusion it is pretty clear that something coming from absolutely nothing is absurd. One last point, since it is common sense that nothing comes from nothing, the burden of proof lies on those who are against this principle



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LogicFTW's picture
You cannot describe true
RedleT's picture
Why can't we discover true
Kwahu Jakquai's picture
We currently have no examples
xenoview's picture
You claim your god created
MCDennis's picture
Gotcha. Nothing comes from
RedleT's picture
That's for another post.
MCDennis's picture
I disagree
Peripatetic's picture
he's a necessary being so he
MCDennis's picture
No sir.
CyberLN's picture
How did you come to know this
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dumb Ox - However, from all
RedleT's picture
"Anyway, the creation of
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dumb Ox - How about the law
RedleT's picture
Are these the postulates you
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dumb Ox - Are these the
RedleT's picture
I think therefore I am. That
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dumb Ox - That's the
RedleT's picture
Then how do you prove you
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dumb Ox - Then how do you
RedleT's picture
Yeah you can, at least to
LogicFTW's picture
Why can't we discover true
RedleT's picture
So, then if you are
LogicFTW's picture
You are right we cannot be
xenoview's picture
Maybe were all AI's debating
xenoview's picture
Dumb Ox
algebe's picture
@Dumb Ox
RedleT's picture
Insert atheist for
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dumb Ox - I am not a
RedleT's picture
Maybe we mean different
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dumb Ox - What I mean by


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