Evolution's setting in Philosophy

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aubreycnn51's picture
Evolution's setting in Philosophy

I was in my philosophy class where we discuss the "meaning of life", and unanswerable questions. The topic came up of what is the function of being human. My response to the idea initially was that human function varies between the individuals, but after due consideration I stated that human function was merely to survive, and that hobbies, pleasures, sources of pain and happiness were direct products or a collateral result from our evolution. Is there anything inherently wrong with this assumption? I'm mainly looking for feedback from atheists but any feedback would be appreciated.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Well you could kind of make a
Capt.Bobfm's picture
It's a loaded question.
aubreycnn51's picture
At the risk of sounding rude,
Nyarlathotep's picture
It it is saying that
cmallen's picture
It's like the Capt. said, it
Ncgipe16's picture
I think that humans have a
cmallen's picture
I agree with you that humans
ThePragmatic's picture
cmallen's picture
"And we all know what that
ThePragmatic's picture
I'm sure it will.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
LOL I always called
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yes, humans are a factor that
aubreycnn51's picture
Anything that was created has
mysticrose's picture
what purpose? We evolved for

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