Evidence There is No God?

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chimp3's picture
Evidence There is No God?

Recently a believer posted a counter-argument to atheists claim that there is no evidence for god. In a nutshell , the burden of proof was placed on the atheist to disprove the existence of god before ...... What? Not believing? That places this old heathen in a peculiar position. Do I have to disprove the existence of Allah before not becoming a Muslim? Yahweh before not being Jewish? Krishna before not becoming a devotee? Thor before not getting a rune tattoo? The demand to disprove before accepting is illogical!

Of course , this reasoning leads us to accepting other irrational claims and a state of complete gullibility. David Icke's Lizard Faced New World Order? Do I have to disprove that? A cult leader such as David Koresh? Marshall Applewhite?
Why do I have to disprove before not believing?

If you are claiming I have to disprove your god before accepting your claims then disprove the thousands of other gods that sit aside yours in the pantheon of fairy tales called religion.

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Seenyab4's picture
This post actually leads me
chimp3's picture
Disproving the Bible involves
Seenyab4's picture
Ah, I see what you're saying.
Harry33Truman's picture
Who says this? It is all 100%
Sir Random's picture
"It is all 100% correct."
Dave Matson's picture
It depends on what you mean
Valiya's picture
hi Greensnake
Dave Matson's picture
hi valiya:
Valiya's picture
Hi GreenSnake
Dave Matson's picture
Hi valiya:
Kataclismic's picture
"I just know that there is a
chimp3's picture
Gods cannot be disproven.
ætherborn98's picture
God's can't be disproven, and
MCDennis's picture
Wow. So you agree and
algebe's picture
Nobody can prove or disprove
ætherborn98's picture
Um...was I the the believer
chimp3's picture
No Hawkflint! You were not
chimp3's picture
Judaism claims to be the true
jdrose's picture
Abraham didn't have a
chimp3's picture
BSBeliever: That is what you
mykcob4's picture
Abraham DID have a religion.
chimp3's picture
Abraham never existed. He is
charvakheresy's picture
@ John
CyberLN's picture
What lovely commandments lord
bigbill's picture
there is no way that the
Sir Random's picture
"atheist have been trying
bigbill's picture
jesus christ was god in the
algebe's picture
"you my friend will bow from
Dave Matson's picture
Spoken like a true fanatic,
charvakheresy's picture
Skeptical Christian I urge


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