Atheists argue that Jesus is nothing but a Christian myth like that of the ancient Osiris, Thor, Attis, Krishna & others and here JESUS claimed in John 8-58 "before Abraham was, I am. Abraham was lives 1800 years before, if how could he claimed? 1st century Jews didn't demand a clarification in stead they became furious and took stones to cast and kill Jesus, If those Jews asked clarification then Jesus would have been clarified though those jews knew about Jesus, His Mother, Father , Brothers and Sisters.
He's a clarification that there's a God's Spirit that exist even before the foundation of this world and the same God's Spirit ENTERED into Virgin Mary and JESUS was born and He was talking to the Jews claiming that he exist before Abraham, Do you think that Jesus doesn't aware of physical age 32 years? Do you think that Jesus doesn't aware of His family? He knew pretty well, the age of Jesus has to be calculated from the age of the God's Spirit that exceeds anyone's, how does it possible to be proved this claim of Jesus in 21st century?
In Acts 1, there's a clear instruction Jesus gave to His disciples not to go away from Jerusalem because of the arrival of the Holy Spirit and the same arrived at day of Pentecost and ENTERED into Apostles & Apostolic peoples & the same Holy Spirit exist here in the world for the past 2000 years, therefore if the same Holy Spirit ENTERED into any human body in this 21st century then there's absolutely he has rights t claim the same that Jesus claimed, Before 2000 years, I exist.
Now, how does it be proved?
If the Holy Spirit ENTER into any human body then it become an Immortal like Jesus that cant be destroyed by any powers like cancer, deceases, natural calamity, weapons or even death because of the fact that the temple of GOD cant be destroyed as the Bible says the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the temple of God and that's why Jesus challenged " Destroy this temple, I'll rebuild in 3 days" and the same can also be challenged by those who received the Holy Spirit into their physical body.
Therefore EXIT of a Spirit from the physical body and ENTER of the Holy Spirit into the physical body is a best explanation for the evidence of GOD & JESUS.
If anybody doesn't accept existence of Spirit then they can consider consciousness or mind as these cant be denied by Atheists, therefore EXIT of consciousness or mind from the physical body and ENTER of consciousness or mind of God into the physical body is an evidence of GOD of the Bible existence that can also be proven in 21st century by repeating what Jesus did back then in 1st century. These events are called by the Bible as BORN AGAIN and being witnesses of God we also call it as PSYCHIC RE-ORIENTATION or MIND TRANSPLANT.
Therefore Jesus also made available His witnesses in 21st century so as to repetition in view of the whole world and the 21st century scenario has been pretty well support to what he has predicted in Revelation 11and also spoken in Matthew 16:28, that there're some standing here, they shall not taste death until the return of the son of God.
Therefore, there's absolutely no excuse for the Atheists to argue that the fact of Jesus is myth derived from previous myths like Osiris, Attis, Thor, Krishna and others, Jesus was true then, now and forever that's why he made His witnesses for the 21st century world, there's none who claimed witnesses of Osiris, Thor, Attis, Krishna etc.,therefore comparing Jesus with myths are absolutely ignorant of the reality of Judea Christianity.
Witnesses of Christ are exist and speaks to the Atheist world and others as part of the testimony of Christ as determined in the book of Revelation so as to fulfil Matthew 16:28 now in 21st century and the return of Christ and lives of Witnesses of Christ are co-related as the climax of this world, until that happens no power can destroy Witnesses as Proof that might be tested by anyone.
Thus, God exist and we are His witnesses.
Thank you,
William G.Peter.
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