Evidence...? You want evidence in creation...? there's evidence galore in Gods word, and not just the scientific evidence... but also the archaeological evidence that puts times and places where they're at in the Bible, along with varios other writings of the crucifixion... the evidence of the holy spirit flourishes and Gods word manifesting and justifying through out the bible!...
- And the resurrection of Christ means the death of sin for all who believe upon Him, so therefore Satan pushes your faith from that being a "truth" away from you, replacing it as "fable"... He is fooling you and trying to bring your soul to hell with him!
These men (the apostles and prophets) wrote what they had witnesses -Christ being resurrected- and were anointed by God to write of these things, as well as many others, and thousands of years of bible prophecy all fitting into perfect place and men putting their life on the line to stand faithful in God and His written word!... <--now there's some evidence! Men rather died than gave up thier faith in Jesus!
... the evidence that you seek is found in God's word! --> if you would try getting into his word and finding truth in his word as much and as hard as you try disproving his word... you would be in a place of Glory like you have never imagined... being touched and saved by Gods magnificent holy spirit... risen on dropped knees you'd be shouting praise to our Lord Jesus thanking Him for saving your life,
...but sadly, instead you allow generations of this worlds wickedness to influence and decieve you in every possible direction away from your salvation, ...you're very own soul is at risk, because Satan's evil spirit is very powerful in this world today! ...And even the tiniest hint of doubt that you allow to enter into you mind... will open the devils wicked door into your life and before you know it - you'll be lost and riddled in sin. The devil wants to take as many souls of Gods children to hell with him as he can, because he hates God, and we were made in the image of God, so there for he hates each and every one of us as well! Trust me ... He wants to take as many of us to hell with him as he can... and he will, because God tells us so - and our Fathers word is always final, Amen.
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Dear troll, change God for Zeus, Christ for Oddyseus and the Bible for the Oddysey and you'll have the same result. You'll find archaelogical evidence (of course) that ancient Greeks really existed, but that does not make neither Zeus nor Oddyseus true.
Doubt does not put you in an imaginary place full of torments. Certainty of something false -and ludicrous- does.
Watch a movie or a documentary instead, or even better, read some books. Thinking of hell is not a fine way of spending a Sunday evening.
Save a goat, starve a troll!
Attach Image/Video?:
A new study performed at the University of York used targeted magnetism to shut down part of the brain. The result: belief in God disappeared among more than 30 percent of participants.
That in itself may not seem so embarrassing, but consider that the specific part of the brain they frazzled was the posterior medial frontal cortex—the part associated with detecting and solving problems, i.e., reasoning and logic.
In other words, when you shut down the part of the brain most associated with logic and reasoning, greater levels of atheism result.
You’ve heard the phrase, “I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist”? Apparently we can now also say, “I have too many brains to be an atheist.”
For a group that makes so much noise vaunting its superior prowess with logic and reasoning, this study has got to be quite a deflator. For a group that claims to be rooted primarily in logic and reason, and to exist for little reason other than that they have used logic and reason to free themselves from belief in God and, as they allege, superstition and fairy tales, this study is the equivalent of a public depanting—i.e., the would-be emperor’s got no clothes.
The Daily Mail reports:
The study was carried out by Dr Keise Izuma from the University of York and Colin Holbrook from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
They recruited 38 participants with an average age of 21, to take part in the study.
Each of these participants said they held significant religious beliefs, and the majority held moderate to extremely conservative political beliefs. . . .
The findings, published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, reveal that people whose brains were targeted by TMS reported 32.8 per cent less belief in God, angels, or heaven.
Despite the clear correlation between disabled reasoning and atheism, the scientists demurred from drawing that conclusion. Instead, these secularists found a way to spin the results against religion:
Dr Izuma said: “People often turn to ideology when they are confronted by problems.” . . .
“As expected, we found that when we experimentally turned down the posterior medial frontal cortex, people were less inclined to reach for comforting religious ideas despite having been reminded of death.”
Dr Holbrook added that the findings are consistent with the idea that regions of the brain that have evolved to deal with threats are “repurposed” to also produce ideological reactions.
In other words, these scientists are arguing what Dawkins, Dennett, and other new atheists have been arguing: religion (“ideology”) has hijacked a part of the brain that originally “evolved” to solve only real-world problems. When confronted with problems that they determined would involve abstract answers—death, afterlife, or even political issues like immigration—this part of the brain draws from its ideological beliefs in order to confront perceived “threats.”
This spin is absurd, if for no other reason than the blindness of the blind guide: importing the ideology (hello!) of Darwinism to formulate a tortured explanation of the otherwise clear implication of the study.
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be (Rom. 8:7).
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Rom. 1:18–20).
Perhaps in feeling the need to confront the “threat” of God, these professors crafted a conclusion that relegates Him to an ideological meme that hijacked (“repurposed”) a part of the brain that more properly should be attuned to hunting and gathering, avoiding potholes, and finding ways to pay your student loans (these studies require huge grants and high tuitions, after all).
The problem is, this laughably transparent attempt to exalt evolution and downplay the existence of God has one major flaw: it proves that the best way to get there is to turn off reasoning and logic—the very part of the brain that does the very tasks they wish to exalt.
You can’t have it both ways, atheists. Reason and logic exist because the God of the Bible exists. What this study proves is not that any hijacking took place, but that a tremendous suppression is taking place: of that which must be presupposed. Without the God of the Bible, reasoning would be impossible. Thank you to Izuma and Holbrook for showing us this strong relationship between the two. Christians can further rest content understanding what we’ve believe all along: the existence of God and the use of logic and reasoning are hard-wired and inseparably intertwined in the brains of every human being.
Dude, I think you missed the point. Logic and reasoning forbid you to believe something when there is no evidence to support it. Your study shows only that without the ability to confuse yourself and taint your own logic and reasoning, your god doesn't exist.
If there was evidence to support your god you would be presenting that, not arguing a futile argument.
Ahhh the stale stench of theistic bollocks! Always helps to wake the senses.
troll alert
Definite troll
So, the evidence for the Bible..... is the Bible?
Does that mean that the evidence for Middle-Earth is in the Rings books?
I hope so. That would be awesome.
I smell an ugly troll!
1. If creationists can’t do science, then why do Kent Hovind and Duane T. Gish, who are creation scientists, have professional degrees in science?
2. If dinosaurs turned into birds, why are we not afraid of them?
3. If homosexuality is right, then how come two people of the same sex not produce a child?
4. What purpose do we have if evolution is real?
5. You say Jesus never existed, but have you heard of the Shroud of Turin?
6. Why do we not see humans being born in the zoos from monkeys if we came from monkeys?
7. Why do we go to church if God is not real?
8. How did the Grand Canyon form?
9. Do you know that Jesus loves you?
10. If Christianity is false, then why is it popular?
11. If you say Christianity is not true, then why do hundreds of people continue to become saved every day?
12. Why do we not see half trees and half carrots, fronkeys, and crocoducks if evolution is real?
13. Why is Richard Dawkins afraid to debate Ray Comfort?
14. Did you know Christopher Hitchens was saved before death?
15. Are you aware Ray Comfort disproved atheism with a banana?
16. Why do people laugh at evolutionists?
17. How did the planets form when the Big Bang explosion all of a sudden happen? After all, you don’t see round objects form when something blows up.
18. If evolution is real, how can it explain gravity, angular momentum, human emotions, and why we worship God?
19. How did pond scum make living things appear out of nowhere?
20. How can evolution be true if we don’t see pocket watches or airplanes form by themselves?
21. Did you know that dinosaurs and man lived together?
22. If evolution is real, then why do caring people like Rick Santorum argue that it must be challenged in the classroom?
23. Why are youtube atheists like AronRa and Thunderf00t afraid to debate Ray Comfort?
24. Why do we celebrate Christmas if Christianity is not real?
25. If creationists can’t do science, then why does the website Answersingenesis have proven science articles from creationists that do science?
26. If evolution is true, then why can’t white people compete to be good in basketball like black people? After all, white people can’t jump!
27. Where do you decide to fit God in your everyday life if you don’t believe in him?
28. Why is Christianity the fastest growing religion if it’s false?
29. Do you feel free to commit murders, homosexuality, go to strip bars, steal, commit adultery, and do other sins since you believe there is no God?
30. Why do the fossils say no to evolution?
31. Why did Darwin admit that how the eye formed is impossible?
32. Where did everything come from if there is no God?
33. If there is no God, then why do we have laws that govern us, such as speed limits?
34. Do you know where you are going when you die?
35. Why do we not act like monkeys if it is true we came from monkeys?
36. Why do we display The Ten Commandments in the courtrooms if you say the Bible is not real?
37. Why should be it wrong to rape if God is not real?
38. Why is The Passion of The Christ very high on the Box Office?
39. How can America not be a Christian nation if there are way more churches than mosques?
40. How is the bible not real if it’s the most popular book read by man?
41. How did the moon form?
42. Did you know that famous scientists like Newton, Sir Richard Owen, Einstein, Galileo, and Copernicus were creationists?
43. Why do we not see black people come from white people?
44. Why are fruitflies still fruitflies in the lab experiments if they are claimed to prove evolution?
45. Did you know that the Piltdown Man was a hoax used for Darwinist propaganda?
46. Why do we not see frogs turn into birds?
47. Why is Fox News dishonest if it is a network run by truthful Christians?
48. Why did Hitler fail to make a superior race if evolution is true?
Learn to write smaller post.
Now I know you are a troll. I am out
That's hilarious. A comprehensive catalog of creationist cliches.
1) Those guys are pseudo-scientist with degrees from non-accredited schools!
2) This just displays how stupid you are NEXT!
3) The desire for sex has actually nothing to do with reproduction stupid.
4) Purpose has nothing to do with evolution. Purpose is self-determined.
5) Even if the shroud of Turin came from the first century, there is zero proof that it was used by the character jesus. The shroud actually comes from the age of DiVinci, not the 1st century.
6) This is a really stupid question but to answer it. Humans and monkeys come from common ancestors.
7) There is NO real reason to god to church. My guess is that you are just stupid is the reason you go. Your question list suggests that you are.
8) Water erosion.
9) There is no jesus to love me, at least not the fictional character that you mean.
10) Indoctrination over many centuries. Popularity isn't proof of truth anyway!
11) Millions of Germans became NAZIs. Again just because a number of people are fucking stupid doesn't mean that christianity is true.
12) That question just doesn't make sense. There are many natural hybrids though.
13) You mistake fear for logic. One doesn't argue with an idiot unless they want to be amused. I am debating YOU because I want to be entertained by your utter stupidity.
14) No he wasn't that is an Urban Legend.
15) That is utter bullshit. Try again junior.
16) Not reasonable and educated people. Only morons laugh at evolution.
17) That is just stupid. Take a class and learn something. The answer to that would take up too much bandwidth.
18) That question just doesn't make sense. !st of all we all don't worship god. Those who do don't even worship the same god, so that part is just inane. Evolution just explains how we evolved It doesn't attempt to answer physics questions That question doesn't even remotely relate to evolution.
19) That isn't even a proper question as it doesn't even relate to any fact whatsoever.
20) Another stupid question. Evolution involves animate objects, not random inanimate objects.
21) Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Humans didn't appear until about 2-2.5 million years ago.
22) Rick Santorum isn't at all caring. He is a corrupt conservative asshole that in the pocket of corrupt corporations!
23) Don't know who they are. Doubt if they are afraid of the dumbass comfort. I don't know why all you dumbasses invest so much of your time on something as unreliable (as a credible source) as YouTube.
24) I don't celebrate christmas. It happens to be the celebration of the winter solstice in the first place.
25) I put any trust in that website and neither should you. It is obviously a propaganda mill.
26) That is just racist and fucking moronic. One of the Dunking champions was white. There are plenty of Allstar white basketball players. I'm white and I play basketball and I am 59 and I still compete with 19-year-old black AND white guys.
28) Islam is the fastest growing faith and has been for centuries!
29) Morality has NOTHING to do with religion. Society determines morality!
30) Fossils have proven evolution goofball. Look up just one of them Ocioptrix!
31) He never said such a thing. Actually, evolution study proved how the eye was formed. In the 1700 religion believed that eye was perfectly round and they were proven wrong.
32) From nothing!
33) Laws don't come from god or religion. Laws come from man and always have!
34) My energy will dissipate and my solid pieces will decay to dust. actually, I will give most of my body to organ donation and science and what is left will be cremated and scattered to the wind!
35) We do act like apes and even monkeys. You act like an ass!
36) Displaying the ten commandments in courtrooms has been found to be unconstitutional. It is only a matter of time until there will be enough lawsuits that that won't happen anymore.
37) Again morality comes from society, not god!
38) There are a lot of morons like you. BTW 'Dumb and Dumber' sold more tickets and is far more popular.
39) This is a SECULAR nation, not a christian nation moron! Read the Treaty of Tripoli or just take a history class!
40) It isn't the most popular book read by man. The Koran outstrips the bible in sales by millions every year in the last few decades. But the bible has never been on the best seller list. Also, churches buy cases of bibles that shouldn't be counted as a choice purchase by an individual. If you discount the church purchases, the bible would rank very low in purchase popularity!
41) The earths gravity and the suns gravity forced dust to collect on a small asteroid that was caught in the two gravitational fields of the sun and the earth. Take a fucking science class!
42) Nope only Newton believd in a god and it is not at all certain that he belived in the creation story. Einstein and Copernicus were known atheists.
43) That is a racist and stupid statement. Take a biology class you uneducated twit!
44) Again take a biology class!
45) That doesn't disprove evolution. There are 100s of christian healers that are a hoax. Given your logic (lack of it) that means that christianity is a hoax. It is but not for that reason!
46) Stupid question try again junior. Ask a responsible question, not some childish bullshit!
47) It isn't run by truthful christians! Its run by propagandist! christians aren't truthful in the first place.What a git!
48) What Hitler was doing had NOTHING to do with evolution and everything to do with racism!
All of your questions indicate that you are a young uneducated heavily brainwashed white racist.
Great effort. But I don't think this sanctimonious will have the courtesy to read it, or the necessary functional brain to understand it.
Please don't go full retard on me.
PMSL seriously? Definitely full retard here!
The same Kent Hovind that prior to his 58 felony convictions and ten-year prison sentence, received a Ph.D. from Patriot Bible University, an unaccredited bullshit uni that won't allow dissertation to be of public record?
His so called degrees in (Christian) Education, Theology, Biblical Ministry, and Divinity (Honorary)... he holds all the scientific knowledge of that of fucking potato.
My review of Hovind's dissertation (and clues to where you can get it).
edited to add: My fav quote from his dissertation:
48 questions (some of them really hilarious, btw) at one time probably not the best way to start a serious debate... Each one could be answered sooo easily... but I'm getting tired of feeding your trolling.
Wow, thats some crazy shit! Had a good laugh.
In the immortal words of 'cool hard logic'.... "It's a world of batshit"
WOW! Crazy ass shit on this thread!! I'm not gonna start!!
LW77: 2. If dinosaurs turned into birds, why are we not afraid of them?
@Loooooongwiiiiinnnded77 "2. If dinosaurs turned into birds, why are we not afraid of them?"
Because they're finger-lickin' good!
But we would have been afraid of the Haast Eagle of New Zealand, which had a 9-foot wingspan and 4-inch claws. It got that big so it could feed on the Moa, a flightless bird as big as a cow. They both went extinct a few hundred years ago.
This is really funny. Hahahaha.
Sounds slightly psychotic if you ask me...
I was lying on the ground one day and one of my chickens came over. I was looking up at her from below. I thought, Hell, if I was a mouse this would look really frightening. If she was as big as a T-Rex this would be terrifying. I saw a chicken swallow a 12 inch Garter snake like a kid slurping down a noodle. I have seen chickens tear apart mice and frogs. It is all a matter of perspective.