“I saw unequivocally that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leave absolutely no room for doubt.” – Sir Lionel Luckhoo (1919¬¬ – 1997) Attorney in the Guinness Book of Records for successfully obtaining 245 successive murder acquittals
The most interesting thing about objective truth is that there are people who deny that it exists.
They are deeply hostile to the thought of anything that in any sense stands in judgment over them. The idea toward which they are most hostile is, of course, the idea that of there being a God. – Professor Peter Van Inwagen - The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell, page 596
In fact, while thousands of finds from the ancient world support in broad outline and often in detail the biblical picture, not one incontrovertible find has ever contradicted the Bible. – Norman Geisler - Ibid, page 383
We, as Christians, are asked to take a very great deal on trust; the teachings, for example, and the miracles of Jesus. If we had to take all on trust, I, for one, should be skeptical. The crux of the problem of whether Jesus was, or was not, what He proclaimed Himself to be, must surely depend upon the truth or otherwise of the resurrection. On that greatest point we are not merely asked to have faith. In its favour as living truth there exists such overwhelming evidence, positive and negative, factual and circumstantial, that no intelligent jury in the world could fail to bring in a verdict that the resurrection story is true.” - Lord Darling, former Chief Justice of England - page 219
There remains, therefore, no supposition possible to explain the recorded phenomenon (of Christ's crucifixation and piercing of his body with a spear) except the combination of the fructification and rupture of the heart. - Samuel Houghton, M.D., great physiologist from the University of Dublin - page 224
Indeed, taking all the evidence together, it is not too much to say that there is no historic incident better or more variously supported than the resurrection of Christ. - Brooke Foss Westcott (1825 - 1901) regius professor at Cambridge
… the Resurrection of Christ is a fact… - Benjamin Warfield of Princeton - page 218
If Jesus was a liar, a con man, and therefore an evil, foolish man, then how can we explain the fact that He left us with the most profound moral instruction and powerful moral example that anyone has ever left? Could a deceiver - an impostor of monstrous proportions - teach such unselfish ethical truths and live such a morally exemplary life as Jesus did? The very notion is incredulous.
“About the life and sayings of Jesus there is a stamp of personal originality combined with profundity of insight in the very first rank of men of sublime genius of whom our species can boast.” - Agnostic, skeptic, and philosopher John Stuart Mill - page 159
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