End Religion, and Be Done with Debate

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Dhomaila's picture
End Religion, and Be Done with Debate

I hate debating, it automatically implies that I still haven’t achieved victory. There are some that love nothing more than to argue, that’s cool I guess; but then what? Like most of you I once loved to point out how religion was flawed, but then I realized I had no end game; and I was picking on the “crippled” kid. If those people knew better they’d do better, but what is the excuse of atheist?

If you would like to hear the 3 steps required to completely end all religion forever, please reply. And before some smart-ass waste my time with nonsense, know that I’ve already completed the first two steps. I would love to hear from serious intelligent people…that’s serious AND intelligent. Morality can be calculated, experience can be graphed; and no religion can stand up to the idea of a "perfect god".

For those of you that may think I’m joking, google me: “Khendwa Dhomaila”, “Dilemmic Mathematics”, “Soulastic Science”. I’ll check the forum daily for replies.




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watchman's picture
Dhomaila's picture
Clearly you are not as
Dhomaila's picture
Furthermore, I don’t like the
watchman's picture
Dhomaila's picture
Next please? Theist are
chimp3's picture
Dhomalia : Here is an idea
Dhomaila's picture
Dilemmic mathematics explores
chimp3's picture
Daniel Dennett uses the term
Nyarlathotep's picture
Could you post something more
Dhomaila's picture
Dilemmic mathematics explores
Nyarlathotep's picture
Could you post a sample
mykcob4's picture
Looks like you are a troll
mykcob4's picture
1st of all you can curb that
Dhomaila's picture
Whatever unites religion as a
Dhomaila's picture
Our spirituality is the most
mykcob4's picture
I suggest we kicked this
Dhomaila's picture
That level of thinking is why
Dhomaila's picture
In dilemmic math, problems
doubleAtheist's picture
Looked at the links, pages
Dhomaila's picture
Did you take the time to read
doubleAtheist's picture
Of course i will judge your
CyberLN's picture
Bupkus, L. Ron, oops, I mean
Dhomaila's picture
Here we go again. I’m
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dhomaila - 'If you wait until
chimp3's picture
Dhomaili :
ThePragmatic's picture
If you think religion could
mykcob4's picture
Dhomaila is just one of
charvakheresy's picture
@ Dhomaila : Actually most of
mykcob4's picture
There is no merit in his math
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Dhomaila


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