Hi guys,
I'm back here after a pretty long time as a question has been bothering me. Some days ago I heard something about "El Limpia" in a movie and that just reminded me of two identical events that have happened with me. I probably asked this before but from a very different perspective and lack of details but it has been bothering me now as after the movie, I read about it more and there's extreme lack of arguments against it and more in favor of it. But seriously, don't think I'm making this up just because I saw a movie. The movie just reminded me of the exact event that happened with me, nothing more.
So here are the basics:
El limpia - it is a traditional Mexican spiritual cleansing process in which an egg, plant or something else (mostly egg) is rubbed all over your body while reciting religious prayers. Christians recite Biblical verses, Muslims recite Quranic verses and etc. Afterward, the egg is broken and the next step differs according to religions:
In Christianity and Islam, the egg is broken and if it contains any of the following, it means you have an evil eye on you or black magic.
1) Dark liquid
2) Awful smell
3) Dirt
4) Blood
5) Dead fetus
6) Pieces of hair
7) Cotton talisman (a small metal piece with Quranic verses wrapped in a paper and put inside it, then the whole thing wrapped by a cotton cloth with a cotton string to wear it around the neck for protection). Okay but in el limpia case in Islam and in what I've seen from 2 el limpias done on my family in the presence of me, the talisman is rusted, it is alone, no cloth is wrapped around it, there is no string.
In Mexican and traditional culture, the original method of doing it and the way it originated is like this:
Rub the egg all over the body while reciting some prayers or verses (never heard what the Mexicans recite, probably something local or what the elders taught them). Once done, a jar full of water is taken and the egg is broken and its content including the yoke is dropped inside the water. If you see any of the following in the shape of the egg or water, you have negative energy, bad luck, evil eye or something is fucked up in your life:
1) The egg whites have taken the shape of spikes and have glued themselves to the surface of the jar (inside the water) ---- something is VERY wrong and you have bad luck
2) The egg white and yolk are on the surface of the water ---- something is wrong
3) The egg contents settle at the bottom of the jar, inside water, taking no shape ---- nothing is wrong
4) The egg contents contain drops of blood in it which as I've seen, surprisingly doesn't spread around in the water. It is like thick blood which stays stuck on the yolk (you can google the images) ---- something is terribly fucked up and probably you have a hidden enemy
My concerns? Here they are:
1) The el limpias done on our family were by two practitioners who claimed that they possess power over demons whom they have converted to Islam and they now help these practitioners to assist victims of black magic and evil eye. We went there because my parents thought some black magic is done on us.
2) The first guy took 10,000 units of our currency (not revealing currency name for privacy, but that much money is fucking too much). A couple, the man in the couple, referred us to him so we had to go to that "Someone's" house where the faith healer or whatever you call him was invited. After some long discussions of symptoms along with that couple and his wife and some in-law relatives and us sitting on sofas in the lounge, he asked the man (there was a couple, a man and a woman, they were the ones who told us about this guy and how he cured one of their family members by this same thing which he was about to do on us --- el limpia), to bring an egg from the refrigerator.
3) He asked for a copy of Quran and prayer cloth to be brought. This practitioner was wearing the traditional clothing of our country (please google it to understand what he was wearing and whether those clothes had a part to play in what he was about to do: "Shalwaar kameez"). Afterwards, he told EVERYONE to go out of the lounge, the couple, us, me, my bro, my dad, my mother and the lights of the lounge were closed and he asked for one candle to be brought in. After a while, some intensely loud blows from mouth could be heard. The total process was of 20 minutes - 30 minutes long after which we hard a cracking sound, the light was turned on and he the couple told us that the practitioner is done and we should go inside.
4) We went inside, saw the egg which was given to him by the couple, broken on the wall next to the door. There was a fucking awful smell, like seriously insane smell. We had to close our noses with our hands while me and my dad analyzed the contents and my mom talked to the practitioner as to what happens next. According to him, the contents of this egg were dug inside a grave and the demons he controlled dug the grave and took the contents out, put them in the egg and now we're all clean and good to go. No more illness will occur.
The egg as I said had awful smell, black liquid, dirt and rusted rectangular metal talisman of around 3/4 inch size. He said this talisman was also found dug deep inside a place and the demons he controlled took it out becxause that was the main source of black magic and problems. Me and my dad were quite surprised at that time as to how did this even happen. The egg was given to him by someone we knew, it's not like that couple were assholes or retards or something who'd do something as shitty as this.
A similar event occured, this was the last el limpia performed on our family. The practitioner came in our house and asked my dad to buy a carton of eggs. My dad went to the market, bought the stuff, came back home and gave all the eggs to him, as he asked.
He asked for a medium-size open circular stainless steel container with slanted 4 inch borders and asked to put rice into it. We had bought some rice so we did as he said. He then put the eggs on the circumference of this container, on the rice, and asked for a small tiny mirror, some incense sticks and asked for ALL the lights to be closed, everywhere in the house. He placed the mirror in the middle of the steel container, slightly pushed inside the rice so it stands still. The sticks were stuck behind it. He then asked for a mud container was like a small plate, just very thick and made out of mud, like something produced in a pottery session. This was placed upside down next to his steel container.
He lighted the incense sticks, and said that he's about to begin. He strictly warned us that in NO circumstance should ANY OF US ever look in the mirror because he'll be talking to the friendly demons he possesses and they'll search the entire country for any talisman or any suspicious thing which has been buried and his demons will take them out and put them in these eggs.
As I told you, the steel container had 4 inch slanted borders, so the practitioner had to bend down too much in order to see his face in the mirror. The process was of 40-50 minutes, in which he was talking to supposedly demons in the mirror, he'd laugh at times and talk in a slurred speech.
When everything was over, he changed the direction of the mud container, which was empty before and empty now, and started taking eggs from the steel container with rice in it, and cracking one by one.
2 of the eggs contained rectangular rusted metal talismans of 3/4 inch size, a dead fetus, some blood, lots of black liquid and brainfucking smell.
So what am I confused about now?
How can anyone put a metal talisman and dirt inside an egg and a fetus? In the second event, the eggs were newly bought by us. Everything happened infront of us though we may have left him unattended sometimes because obviously nobody suspected anything back then. Also, while the first guy did it for hefty amount of money, this second guy did it for free. Both were wearing the traditional clothing shalwaar kameez. I am mentioning this because that kind of clothing is too baggy and can easily used to hide something, if careful. Just mentioning.
So how the fuck is this possible?
The same thing is done in Christianity by priests and faith healers in Islam. The Mexican way is different but I want an explanation for all this, how can anything be put inside an egg, considering the egg was recently bought? I could've just said the events were bullshit if the egg used was brought by the practitioner. But it was not.
Any logical explanation?
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El Limpia (Egg Cleansing) is a traditional spiritual practice, often associated with Latin American and indigenous cultures, that involves using an egg to cleanse a person of negative energy, bad luck, https://chillguyclickers.com or even ailments.
https://worldguesser.io/ power of belief can significantly influence how we feel. If someone believes that the cleansing will work, they may experience a reduction in stress or anxiety, which can manifest as physical or emotional relief.