The effects of praying to god, to the universe, or to whatever

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GoldenLotus's picture
The effects of praying to god, to the universe, or to whatever

Does praying have any positive effect on the person doing it? How about on the person being prayed for? Since praying is considered a form of meditation, I am curious about the actual benefits that one can get out of it and if there are atheists who also practice it. Furthermore, can believing in the Law of Attraction be considered a superstition (I'm talking about the one that is being talked about in the book "The Secret", which is attracting one's predominant thoughts)?

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Nutmeg's picture
There should be a placebo
GoldenLotus's picture
That makes sense.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Lily - "Furthermore, can
jamalt's picture
Dear Lily,
GoldenLotus's picture
The last sentence is really
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
It is the wish to be a slave,
solidzaku's picture
There was a thought in the
GoldenLotus's picture
That's actually an
Peter Stock's picture
the attention of prayer and
philljones22's picture
5StarStocks provides a

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