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mysticrose's picture

When we are asleep, we tend to have dreams. Some dreams are meaningful while others are not. Some people use their dreams to be guided in the future. According to others, dream is one of god’s many ways to connect with us and to lead us. What do you think about it? Have you dreamed of something and eventually you realize that it’s happening.

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Trevor's picture
I think you will eventually
Walker's picture
There are so many ways to
AnimalLeader's picture
I think dreams are meaningful
DarkLight's picture
To me dreams are just
mysticrose's picture
Personally, I found some of
SammyShazaam's picture
Hey... do you guys like
BillyButch's picture
If you're going on vacation
Cummings11's picture
I'm glad to hear that you are
AstroNila's picture
Dive into the exciting world
Nammarok's picture
We all have dreams of course
Donnovan's picture
Oh yes we are and sometimes
navarro's picture
Dreams often reflect our
will829392's picture
Central banks are also
rixy111's picture
veryy cool

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