Donald Trump and Japan's First Lady

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algebe's picture
Donald Trump and Japan's First Lady

This has nothing to do with atheism, but I found it quite amusing.

At a dinner during the recent G20 Summit, Donald Trump was seated next to Japan's first lady, Akie Abe. Trump said later that there was no conversation between them because Mrs. Abe doesn't speak any English. Now there's a rumor going around that Mrs. Abe speaks English very well but just didn't want to speak it with Donald Trump.

So was Mrs. Abe pretending not to speak English?
If someone at the table was having trouble with English, was it Akie Abe or Donald Trump?

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MCDennis's picture
What an idiot
xenoview's picture
Atlas Trump behaved himself
xenoview's picture
Why didn't Japan's First Lady

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